Chapter Fifteen

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Sang POV

The next day goes by with a flash. We ate breakfast downstairs in the hotel’s restaurant and then made our way outside to the pool. We pretty much had it to ourselves again which was awesome. We played water ball, tossing and hitting large beach balls at each other before we turned it into a game. I was a team captain and so was Owen. Because I had first choice, I asked for Silas on my team and then Owen went for Sean as he was waving his hand saying ‘pick me, pick me’ repeatedly. I then chose North so I had a huge advantage. After that I settled on Kota and Nathan. Luke, Gabriel and Victor went onto Owen’s team.

Throughout the whole game I was pretty much on Silas’ or North’s shoulders, hitting the ball as hard as I could. Gabriel and Luke kept grumbling about me cheating, I simply shrugged and said it was one of my many talents.

After that we started playing Sharks. It’s a version of Tag but in the pool. One person is it and then you have to tag someone else. Victor and Owen got out for the game. Victor recorded it while Owen just sat back and laughed. I was IT first unfortunately after losing a battle of rock, paper, scissors leaving the final score between me and Gabriel. Unfortunately I went for scissors when he went for rock making me it.

I was able to cheat a little by sitting up on the side of the pool, pretending to look at my new freshly painted light pink nails that Gabriel had done last night when we started watching Tangled. Because I was ignoring them when they called my name, they slowly started making their way towards me. When Kota was the one who came too close, I quickly pushed myself into the water and tagged him, thanking North as he quickly got me out of there as Kota gave me a mock glare with a twinge of amusement within his eyes.

After that I’m not sure what happened because all my boys just started jumping on each other and dunking one and other, North and Silas mainly. How we managed to do it, I don’t know but at one point, Luke and Gabriel were holding on tightly to Silas, clinging to him like a toddler and Nathan holding on to Luke, but somehow, I climbed my way up them until I was standing on Gabriel’s and Luke shoulders, grinning like a damn fool as North told me to get down as I would hurt myself.

I had rolled my eyes and dived into the water, swimming right up to him before clinging onto him myself like a toddler. I kissed him to distract him before dunking him under the water, thankful that Kota was nearby to get me away but even so, he needed to get his pay back for tricking him, so he ended up dunking me.

After that everyone got out but Luke and Gabriel and me. Luke and Gabriel grinned at me before saying ‘Flips’. I eagerly got out the pool, stood at the ledge and did a flip into the pool. I’m sure I’m going to give North a heart attack one day.

After a morning of fun and Games, we ate lunch in the pool restaurant in our swimsuits, still wet from getting out of the pool and then went and sat back at our loungers. An hour or so later, Nathan suggested we race. I was eager without a doubt and so were the others. As from there, we were in and out the pool facing, doing different swim strokes, butterfly being my weakest and back being my strongest, then mixing it up with relays. We mixed up the pairs. The whole time though we were laughing and joking around with one another.

Occasionally, Silas would pick me up and chuck me into the middle of the pool or Kota would get me to do a piggy back on him while he swam a few lengths, said something about helping with his strength and needing to burn off all the calories of all the junk food we have eaten this week.

It couldn’t have been a better day and I made them promise that when we return home, we’ll make this a regular thing at Nathan’s house, with a BBQ and all.

Around four o'clock, Owen told us to go back to our rooms to get ready to leave for the airport. I think we all grumbled a reply then but did as we were told. I showered quickly, dressed and then made sure everything was in my suitcase. When the door open and Victor appeared I wanted to shake my head and refuse to go but I got up off the bed and gave him my suitcase.

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