Finding Mitch-Scott

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A/N alright, we're nearing the end of this story and i have to say, this is my favorite chapter. Have fun, and I'll see you next time. Stay ***Flawless


Scott POV

I was walking along my now normal route from school, going past the house where I KNEW Mitch had to be. When something flew out the left front window. It was pale and had almost no hair and cuts all over it's body. I knew this had to be Mitch. This had to be what they'd done to him.

I ran over. He looked up at me with eyes that shone with madness. "Hey Scott. I did something bad." He started sobbing, and tried to move but all that happened was a scream of pain. I took out my phone and called 911. They said not to move him and that they were coming as soon as they could get there. He shifted closer to me still crying. He was actually pretty gross, not how I'd imagined him. His hair was greasy and long and he had the most acne I'd ever seen on someone. He'd stopped being Mitch Grassi the God. And started being Mitch Grassi the Demon. He was repulsive. and he was trying to Touch me. This wasn't the daring rescue I'd imagined. This was a nightmare and that nightmare was crawling over, trying to get to me. Trying to TALK to me. I scrambled back and he collapsed as I heard the ambulance.

Right as it came around the corner I turned and ran to the ambulance and said "Sir, he's crazy. I'm out of here"

I ran to my house and up to my bedroom and tried to forget how his eyes looked. Tried to forget how he stared at me his eyes begging for something, something that I couldn't give. They were begging for forgiveness, and begging for death.

I don't want to be around this horror any more.

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