Part 9

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I was lying on something soft and I could feel the heat of the warm sun on my skin

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I was lying on something soft and I could feel the heat of the warm sun on my skin.

Where am I?

I opened my eyes but didn't move as not to alarm anyone that might be in the room.

I then sat up from the comfortable bed I was on and looked around.

This isn't my room?

Then whose room is it?


Then I remembered last night in the alley.

He must have taken me to his home.

Wait Matteo!

I jumped up from the bed to search for my phone and found it on the nightstand beside the bed.

I quickly grabbed it and called Vincenzo.

It was ringing when I heard his voice.


"Vinny is Matteo alright I didn't check in last night I'm sorry I got caught up is everything okay at home" I rushed out.

"Adriana he's alright he was sad you didn't get to say good night but he's fine" Vincenzo said.

"Where'd you disappear to, me and the guys couldn't find you but one of Alessandro's men told us you were with him" he said sounding worried.

"Are you alright amour you sound shaken up?" He asked and I could hear the concern in his tone.

"Yes I'm fine I just wanted to see if Matteo and you were alright" I sighed.

"Well we're all fine I have to call you back though your son is acting a bafoon" he said and I could hear him chuckling.

"Well tell him to behave I'll be home soon" I smiled.

"I will sbohem" (bye) he said.

"sbohem" (bye) and I hung up.

"You're awake" I looked up and saw Alessandro standing in the doorway with a towel around his waist.

I didn't say anything and just stared at his wet abs.

I guess he caught on and chuckled I looked up to see him with a smirk on his face.

"So who's Matteo" he asked his face now serious and his jaw slightly clenched.

Is he...jealous?

Ha, cute

I think I'm gonna have some fun with this.

"Oh no one special" I said shrugging it off.

He lifted his head and looked me up and down.

"Really" he said his eyebrow lifted.

"Really" I said now the one smirking.

He walked up to me obviously towering over me, and grabbed my chin.

"If your lying to me woman you don't want to know the things I will do to you" he said his nostrils flaring.

"Or maybe I do" I said which I think shocked him slightly.

Seeing as he smiled and chuckled then bent down.

He was kneeling before me

Now that's definitely something I like.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it softly with his rough lips.

"Are you hungry" he asked looking at me with those intoxicating eyes of his.

"Ano" I said which I think he understood, seeing as he stood up and took me to the bathroom.

"Once your done I'll take you to eat" he said.

I was about to walk in when I turned my head slightly and said, "You don't want to join".

He quickly turned around and asked, "I can?".

"If you want" I shrugged my shoulder's and started walking in.

He didn't move an inch so I was about to close the door, but a foot stopped it.

He pushed the door open and towered over me, his dark brown eyes staring in mine.

He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into his hard chest.

He looked me in the eyes and down at my shirt.

Wait I'm wearing a shirt?

"Who changed me" I asked.

"The maid" he said rubbing my hips.

It got quiet then all of a sudden, he placed his veiny hand on the side of my neck his thumb on my lips.

"I wanna wait to see all of you" his morning voice peaking in.

"If that's what you want" I said without thought.

He leaned in and kissed me, it was slow and wet. When we pulled our lips apart they stuck together slick with wetness.

He looked me in the eyes and let his warm hands slip from my body.

Once he left the bathroom I raised the shirt over my head, my underwear still on.

I turned to the shower and turned the temp to hot.

I felt the burning water touch my skin and raked my fingers through my wet hair.

I felt the burning water touch my skin and raked my fingers through my wet hair

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