Part 16

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I must've blanked out because I suddenly heard cars honking.

I blinked my eyes rapidly and started driving again.

She didn't tell me she has a kid

We haven't known each other long though

But a kid

I never would've thought

She looks far too young to have a kid

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and continued driving.

Well this just fucked with my day

When I got in the house I shut the door and smiled to myself

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When I got in the house I shut the door and smiled to myself.

"What're you so happy about" a voice startled me.

"Oh my god you scared me" I laid my hand against my chest.

"Hm you didn't answer" Vinny hummed chewing on his toothpick.

"N-nothing" I stuttered.

"Oh so Mr.Lombardi is now nothing huh" his sarcasm clear as day.

"Haha" my fake laugh making him quirk up.

"So it is true" he inquired.

"I never said that" I put my bag down on the kitchen island.

"I never said that" I put my bag down on the kitchen island

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"Right" he dragged out.

"Vinny seriously" I rolled my eyes at him.

He put his hands up in surrender.

I shook my head and headed upstairs to check on my little boy.

I opened the door to his room and smiled when I saw his little body curled up in his blankets.

I silently tiptoed over to his bed and sat on the side.

I raked my fingers through his curls and kissed his ear.

"Hey bub" I whispered as he slowly woke.

"M..mama" he blinked.

"Hi dite" I rubbed his tummy.

"Huggie" he lifted his hands and made a grabbing motion.

I leaned down and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

I kissed his cheek and he kissed my nose.

"Thank you baby" I tickled his sides.

"Haha mama no tickles pwleas" he giggled.

I smiled and rubbed his cheek softly.

"How did my little boy sleep, good" I asked helping him sit up.

"Yah good nap" he clapped and jumped on my lap.

"You hungry" I hugged him and patted his head.

He nodded his head and pushed my arms open to fall face first in my chest.

He giggled as he pecked my upper chest.

"Honey stop it" I laughed at his googly eyes.

He smiled brightly and pushed his face into my boobs.

I chuckled and picked him up placing him on my hips.

"Hungry" he said grabbing my shirt collar and whined.

"I know your hungry baby that's why I'm gonna make you something to eat" I said as I walked downstairs.

"Nooo I want mama" he grabbed my bra strap and pulled it down.

"No buba your too old for that now" I put his hand down as I entered the kitchen.

He struggled in my arms and pushed at my stomach.

"Noo want mama" he screamed out loud.

"Shhh no screaming inside voices ok" I said patiently.

I learned that he doesn't like when people say no specifically me.

But he's going to have to learn that the hard way when he's older if he doesn't now.

I try not to spoil him except during holidays or birthdays.

But on a daily basis he puts his own toys away and he does most things on his own.

If he wants something he has to ask politely or he doesn't get it.

He knows his manners and how to be respectful but sometimes he has bad days.

During those times I try and be as patient and calm as possible.

Getting mad at them just makes the situation worse.

He quieted down and hugged me tighter.

"Want mama please" he begged.

"Ok ok I'll feed you sweetheart" I reassured him as I sat on the couch.

I got comfortable and pulled my sleeve down so just one of my breasts was out.

I undid my bra and let Matty latch on and feed.

Sometimes if he was sad or grumpy he'll ask for milk and other times he wants actual food.

I checked with my doctor if it was ok to still breastfeed him and they said it was perfectly fine and normal.

He closed his eyes and rested himself on me.

I was in awe at how adorable he was even when he's frustrated.

His sounds of feeding echoed out and I sighed in content.

I wonder what Sandro's doing right now

I shook my head instantly, why the hell am I thinking about him right now.

I rubbed my face and turned the tv on in hopes to distract myself.

After a couples minutes Matteo was done and had fallen asleep in my arms.

I was just relaxing with the tv on now seeing as I didn't have much to do.

All of a sudden the doorbell rang.

I lowered the volume on the tv and got up still holding Matty.

I fixed myself up and checked the peephole to see a familiarly handsome man.

I unlocked the door and switched Matteo so he was resting on my left hip.

As the door opened the man looked down to see me.


"Sandro" I questioned hugging Matteo.

I think he's starting to wake up now.

"H-hey babe" he half smiled.

I did not see this coming

Date when published: 07/10/22

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