50: The Last Goodbye

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A/N: Hi everyone. I'm really sorry it's been so long since I updated. I had every intention of working on this story last weekend, and I got my COVID booster shot and it knocked me down, and then a beloved coworker of mine was killed in a car accident. I needed to take some time to take care of myself, and I'm sorry that meant putting this on hold. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy the chapter!


Five minutes until midnight.

Five minutes until Tempest and Ariadne come to spirit my team and me away from Samson's Underground.

Everything is packed. Everything is ready. In the next room, a secret one whose entrance is hidden behind a large painting in Samson's office, Zoe and Rika are waiting for my fae assistants to arrive.

I'm so glad they're coming with me. Anselm dealt me a lot of shit cards, but I have him to thank for giving me the best teammates and friends anyone could ask for.

I don't deserve them. They're in danger because of me. If this plan fails....

Well, if this plan fails, none of us will live to tell the tale. And there's no use thinking about that now. We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat.

All that remains to handle, in these last five minutes, is the last goodbye.

As if on cue, Drake comes into Samson's office—the Commander is letting me use his space tonight, for maximum security—without so much as a knock.

I like him. I hate him. I wish I'd never met him.

"You were just going to leave, without saying goodbye?" he accuses.

Check your emotions at the door.

"No. But I wasn't going to give you enough time to try to talk me out of doing what needs to be done," I answer. I've been avoiding him as much as possible since that meeting in this room, a few days ago. Rika told me I'm overreacting, that Drake's actually been quite helpful in putting this plan together. I believe her, and I'm grateful, but nothing she's said has made the idea of seeing him again any easier.

"I wasn't...." Heavy sigh. "I know that ship has sailed. And I don't love this plan, but...I can't think of anything better. I just wish someone had."

"Samson's very confident in the plan. And I've heard you've done a lot to make it the best it can be. So thank you."

"I've wanted to see WASP overthrown or reformed for ages. Given the opportunity to help, to be a part of the revolution.... Thank you, for giving me the chance."

"You shouldn't be thanking me. Samson's the reason we have this plan."

Four minutes.

He looks like he wants to argue with me, then thinks the better of it. Uncomfortable silence. I don't know how to be around him, and he doesn't look any more at ease.

"My parents...knew your father," he offers eventually.

Excuse me what?!

"He would've been one of the leaders in this revolution, with Samson and my dad," he continues, "if Anselm hadn't...."

"If Anselm hadn't killed him, we wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't be here," I point out. I don't know what to think. Emotions I've been successful in keeping at bay are threatening to interfere, to overpower me.

"Right, I know, I just...wanted to tell you. My parents, and Samson, think he'd be proud of you."

I never should have agreed to see him.

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