Prompt 3 - Vessel (498 Words)

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It is, Julius thinks with the practiced ease of someone who has spent his entire life living a dual existence, quite ridiculous how many things he and Akhenaten agree on.

They both hated politicians, pumpkin spice lattes, and purse sized dogs.

They both loved cardamom in their tea, the history channel, and a good game of chess.

But this, this idea that he is just a vessel for a long dead ruler, this is not one of those things.

The pharoah snorts with unpleasant laughter as Julius refuses to talk to him, instead focusing on the unfinished charts in front of him. There are approximately 200. That wasn't an exaggeration.

Frickin Odd Year with its unprecedented respiratory season in effing August!

"If you would stop behaving like a toddler throwing a tantrum, you'd just see it my way." Julius chugs his 10th cup of coffee, not even wincing at the long cool drink. His office is lit by the candles his sister had placed for him, protection against evil spirits.

(He thinks sourly that they clearly are not working. Perhaps he needs an exorcist.)

"I don't think so, you long moldering scarab buffet." He muttered, trying to remember what review of systems had been positive on that particular child. "I have a life and a degree outside of your nonsense. I am now older than you will ever have gotten."

And what had it got him? A late night charting session on his 35th birthday. Goodie.

Akhenaten lounged with an unfair grace on the leather couch Gabe had gifted him when he'd become an attending.

"And does that life fulfil you, Vessel? Does it thrill you the way our adventures do?"

Julius hated when he called him Vessel. He much preferred the title Healer, the one Akh used when they weren't arguing.

"Actually," He rubbed a tired hand down his face, trying to wake himself further, "It does. Now, if this is your idea of a birthday gift, you need to try harder next year. It's terrible."

Akhenaten laughed, forever amused by his antics.

"Many happy returns Healer." The ruler's mood was so mercurial it gave Jules whiplash, "But never forget," the chill of a sarcophagus settled over him, the scent of incense heavy in his nose, "that you are meant for more than the tasks of a Scribe. This is not a celebration fitting of a Vessel of mine. Go home. Be merry with your sister and the Centurion. Live, for life is brief and rarely does Osiris give you another chance."

Julius took a deep breath, contemplated the work before him, and smiled.

"You know what, you're right."

Akhenaten looked ready to gloat.

"I'm going to go take a nap in my own bed!"

"You're ridiculous."

(The surprise party actually catches him by surprise and for a moment, a shining second in time, Julius relaxes, forgetting Fate and Destiny, in favor of living life. Not a vessel, not a healer, but a brother and a friend.)

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