The begining

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"You down? Or are you gonna run like a little bitch?" He said with that damn smirk

That was me he was talking to, yeah I know it's degrading, but like I said it was me, years ago. Back before I fucked up my life, before the corruption the drugs and alcohol, but mainly before him. I would never admit to anyone that I was a square before I met Harry, but I really was, you know? I was just a nice uni kid and making the grades, basically just living life. It's ironic when I look back on it now the way that everything has changed, in hind sight I should have seen it coming, but when I'm up on blow and down on Harry it's hard to see anything down the road. Now I know you think my life is fucked up, but you don't know fucked up yet. At the age of 20 I met my worst nightmare yet my sweetest dream, he was everything I'd ever wanted, so when he asked me "you down?" I didn't know what the hell I was doing, I genuinely didn't, though I knew it was most likely something illegal, because as long as Harry's involved it's always illegal, but it didn't matter, because I'd have done anything to be around him, and that was my fucking problem.

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