Panic Attack|C.B|Part. 1

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A/N- the hairstyle I describe Chester wearing is the photo above! IMO that's his best hair - click on the image because it's cropped.

P.s. is it just me or does he look a lot like Tom Holland? With no glasses and natural hair colour (or skinhead), ofc

// Chapter II \\


The window wipers swiped from left to right on the windscreen, flicking the raindrops onto the windows at the side of the van as you drove along the highway.

It was 2 AM, and most of the streetlights had been turned off as there where few cars on the road. It was earily quiet, the only exception of noise being the rustling of the crisp packet that Joe was eating from and Rob patting his hand on his thighs to the beat of the muffled chill rock that plays through the radio.

Everyone else was quiet, Mike and Brad where sleeping soundly (Phoenix, not so much) as you made your way to San Francisco Airport. Another mini bus followed behind with the crew.

You where on going on tour and your first show was at an arena located on a university campus, Patriot Center, in Virginia. The plan was to drive to San Fransisco Airport, then fly to Dulles Airport in Virginia, before travelling to the hotel you where staying at near the venue.

 The plan was to drive to San Fransisco Airport, then fly to Dulles Airport in Virginia, before travelling to the hotel you where staying at near the venue

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You where starting to get bored, so naturally you nudged your elbow into Chester's side, who was drifting asleep next to you. He had a harsh undercut hairstyle, like a combed-to-the-front mohawk, it suited him so well - only he could pull such an outrageous hairstyle like that off.

"What was that for?", he hissed under his breath as he rubbed his side.

Grimacing, you mumble in embarrassment,"I didn't mean to do it that hard, m'sorry."

He just hummed with gritted teeth and looked out the window to avoid you. You felt awful. You didn't mean to hurt him, you just felt like annoying someone and he was the only person awake who was sat next to you.

You decided to leave him alone for a bit, so you pulled out your portable DVD player, put your headphones on and watched School of Rock. It was safe to say that School of Rock was one of the best movies ever made because Jack Black from Tenacious D was in it and who doesn't love rock music? Anyway, it was your go-to comfort film and you definitely needed some comfort now, so you got cosy in your blanket.

4 AM

You where about 3 hours into the drive and Mike had just woken up, he was sat to your left with Chester on your right. In front of you, was Joe, with Brad on his left and Phoenix on his right - Rob was sat next to the driver. You where all crammed in a minibus, not the most top notch one either. It was fairly standard, it smelt of damp and there was some sort of sticky stuff all underneath the row in front - whenever you would stretch your legs your feet would feel like they where super glued to the floor.

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