Panic Attack|C.B|Finale

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A/N: Sorry this took a while to get out. I've not had to time to write :(
This is probably the longest chapter I've ever written! Im grateful for anyone who votes, comments and even reads. Love you all!!

If you've requested anything, I'll be writing the chapters now. This has just been my sole focus but now it's finally published  I can get to work on your requests!

I also have a couple chapters im writing that aren't requested, so look out for them!

Once again, I hope you enjoy this last installment of Panic Attack - a Chester Bennington One Shot.

P.S II - This story hasn't been thoroughly proof read as my phone is on 3 percent and I really need to post it tonight, so beware of mistakes and please inform me!


It was the night before your first ever show, and you where pissing yourself. Of course you weren't, but that would be the only way to describe the anxiety you felt.

Due to being utterly humiliated in front of your whole school during a school talent show, you vowed never to perform before more than 5 people ever again. You simply couldn't face it. And here you where, in a freaking band, on tour and about to perform your first show tomorrow.

You where at a small motel in Virginia, sat on one of the twin beds that you and Chester were sharing

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You where at a small motel in Virginia, sat on one of the twin beds that you and Chester were sharing.

You'd never admitted it to him, or even yourself, but you had a big crush on Chester. As soon as you met him, you noticed how pretty his eyes where - don't even mention his mischievous smile.

He was extremely quick witted and childish - he was a 5 year old mind trapped in 27 year old's body - a kindred spirit to match yours.

You also both struggled with the same thing that you hurled around constantly, depression. Depression was a disease, a burden. You didn't want any part of it, but it was your shadow. It would follow you around everywhere - the only thing that helped you was cutting.

You had never taken drugs in your life, except the occasional pot, and you didn't want the experience of addiction so you never tried anything else.

Chester, however, had been addicted to all sorts. He had a rough childhood, he told you, so turning to drugs was the only way out for him. Naturally, it took a toll, he still used drugs whilst you where on tour. He couldn't help it, he needed help. He needed someone to listen to him and to support him, so you always lended an ear to his problems.

You got bored of flicking through the mildly interesting magazine that you where holding, so you threw it aside and put a vinyl on the record player.

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