Chapter 5 Something is up with Planet

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it's at evening and it's obviously clear that me
and Mahendi, my bestie is gonna share the
same room so i have to be quiet once she's
sleeping so i can sneak out for answers

but for now we are playing a game, a guess
game you can call it, kind of like Elsa, Kristoff
and Anna did, you have to gesture something
and others have to guess what gesture it is
it definitely is getting darker since it's at 
already but still dry though

it's Mahendi's turn now with what noises
and gestures she's giving and we are guessing

eventually it was my turn and it's the one that
has something to do WITH MY TALENT!!!

so i try to not be so noticable and suspicious
but then eventually i got distracted and i almost
couldn't do it, no one was able to guess what gesture
and noises i was playing, no one noticed it expect for
my friend Mahendi 
since she knows me very well and
knows when something is wrong with me and gave
concern look thinking something is up with me
but i try to act normal infront of everyone

she guessed i was interrupted, worried,
distracted or panicking, she took a wild guess
while i panted and shaked my head

(Mahendi pointed out while the others girls kept
quiet, even Tinkerbell who's usually the wild ones
that talks nonstop and won't leave you alone)

the time is off and they all believes they have won
while Mahendi looked frustrated

"REMATCH?!" (Mahendi asked as she stands up
and walks closer to me having a peek which
thing it was i had to gesture)

"oh you know what? i think i'll turn in"
(i said as i go to bed, i guess it's a big day for me
and walked to bed)

"uhm are you okay?" (Mahendi ask in concern
looking worried about me)

"just...just tired...good night"
(i chuckled)

"i don't know about you guys but i'll go to
bed too" (iridessa said yawning)

"that's an good idea honey" (Rosetta yawned too)

"we'll be in our own room" (Silvermist was the
following one that yawns)

"i guess i'll do something for myself i guess
before sleeping" (Tinkerbell was the next one
talking, she always looks if something leaks
or is broken and everything else she might
can fix it)

"if you don't pass out it is" (Vidia said with sarcasm
to Tinkerbell like Vidia usually do)

"not gonna lie this game has tired me out" (Fawn said as
everyone else goes to their own rooms)

"i'll go to bed soon but you can start without me"
(Tink smiled at the girls)

they all goes to bed and it still got struck in Mahendi's
head, and it's something about me and she act like really
REALLY worried, more in a concern and gave 
herself a sharp
look, having an eyebrow

"Mahendi what's wrong? you okay?" (Tink said
as she looked at Mahendi)

"Tink? you have your intuition about things right?"
(Mahendi ask as she gave Tink an eyebrow and
shrugged since she's just like Tink in that aspect)

"it depends....actually yeah in most things...why?"
(she ask as she shrugged at Mahendi too)

"did Planet seem weird to you?" (Mahendi
ask as she has a sharp but yet calmly look
to Tinkerbell since my friend looked so worried
about me knowing me so well)

"she...seemed like Planet" (Tink answered calmly)

"Hmmm" (Mahendi said thinking and looked down
not having an idea what it was just about)

"...that last word...really seemed to throw her....
what was it?" (she said as she can't seem to figure
it out, and Tink has the same guess as her)

Mahendi picked everything up and about to
put the paper back to where it belongs till she
picked it up with the paper i was holding at
and figured what i had to gesture

"AH GOT IT!.....Mmmm Angel? oh come on!"
(Mahendi said as she acted surprised and gasped giving
herself an eyebrow)

and just like that the belly thingy moved away
and Tink had to find it since Mahendi moved
her hands out of nowhere

"she couldn't act out Angel?" (Mahendi said
as Tinkerbell is trying to pick the belly thing up)

"i better check on her" (Mahendi talked nonstop
kind of like how Tink usually do but didn't this time)

"right, i guess i'll go to bed then" (Tink said as
she glanced a little and shrugged)

"good night Tink!" (Mahendi said calmly)

"good night then i's fine" (Tink sighed
calmly and left the room me and Mahendi shares)

Mahendi knocked at the door loudly

"come in" (i said sadly and softly in that bedroom)

Mahendi opened the door and knew i was gonna
be in that bedroom we both have to sleep

"uhm yep something is wrong" (she said calmly
knowing something is definitely up with me)

"with you?" (i asked softly and turned to her)

"no with always hide stuff and keep it to
yourself which you shouldn't do, you do that when
something is wrong" (Mahendi answered as she placed
her hand on my arm, all in concern and giving me a
worry look)

"did we hurt your feelings? i'm so sorry if we did
you know, some fairies are actually good at these Fawn do, that's just a fact" (she said
as she's trying to reassure me, knowing people
has the things they are good at and what they
are bad at and she knows where i'm bad at
compared to other fairies)

"no that's not it" (i answered her calmly)

"then what is it?" (she said as she's giving me an
concern and confussed look)

"there's this...." (i said as i'm sitting at the bed
and sighed sadly)

"i just don't wanna mess things up" (i responded
sadly as i have a low self-esteem and i'm usually
like that, trying not to upset anyone and get
upset at myself instead feeling so dissapointed
i said all this with disbelief)

"what things? you're doing great...oh Planet, when
are you going to see yourself the way i see you?"
(she said as she's sitting on the bed right next to me
and she never dissapoint me seeing the good things
in me what i don't see to myself)

"what would i do without you?" (i smiled weakly)

"you always have me and just know i always have
you back no matter what and...that's what friends are
for right?" (she said as she's making me feel better)

"and...i know what you need, come on"

"what is it?" (i said having an confussed look)

we mention about the good thing and Mahendi
sang what Lyria was singing so it will make me
feel better and fall asleep without all the concerns

this is chapter 5, forgive me for the wait for like
3 weeks now but it's here now, i was so busy with
the other stories and i didn't got my inspirations
till now and i hope you loved this chapter, i know
it looks like Frozen 2 and half of that focus is
on that story too but in a Tinkerbell version

more is about to come so stay turned

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