Chapter 7 Going into adventures

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Mahendi was the first one who stepped in to
help me followed by the rest, iridessa had more
convincing to do to join in as the overprotective
person who rather not get involved with danger
Mahendi wants what's best for me and she
cares about me a lot despites her sharply and
serious, sometimes even anger look, she
doesn't care if she has my power or not
she tags herself in either way no matter what

the tiger one from dewey goes to the stuff
i'm looking for that i've been hearing a voice
they all had a long journey and talks about
stuff, eventually everyone fell asleep then
Tinkerbell started with if they all 
know sleeping
quietly on long journeys 
prevent insanity
and stuff and they all nodded at the same
time and saying it's the truth

"well that was unanimous but i will look it up
when we get home" (Tinkerbell responded)

awhile later everyone is asleep expect Mahendi
and Tinkerbell who are still up

"they're all asleep, so do you have something on
your mind you like to share?" (Mahendi said quietly
and calm while the others are asleep and frowned)

"actually yeah, what are we gonna do once we get
there?" (Tinkerbell shrugged)

"well planet has been hearing a voice i'm the only one
that knows this and i'm worried" (she said frowning)

"wait a minute...Fiona keep us steady will ya?" (Tinkerbell
asked that tyger sort of one) 

Fiona nodded

"wait is that why she wanted to get there all on her own so
badly?" (Tinkerbell came to her realize like the usual)

"exactly" (Mahendi nodded in concern)

"i'm sure it's probably nothing"
(she assured Mahendi)

"i'm not too sure about that because well
because of that voice we had earthquake
and the power fell out just because she
wanted to find the voice and calls them"
(Mahendi answered and corrected Tink)

"oh wow everything makes sense now"
(it got struck with Tinkerbell's head with
her eyes wide open, she has wondered
why the powers got out all of a sudden)

"yeah exactly" (she nodded still in concern
and looked on the ground)

then all of a sudden i've heard a voice again
and woke up, so did the others

"wait you guys, stop riding...i hear it...i hear the
voice" (i said as i get up)

"huh? what is it?" (Fawn wondered out
loud not knowing what they are hearing)

"ugh i have no idea but it better be good"
(iridessa said as the cautious one)

"i swear i heard the voice" (i said as i get up and
steps out of the wagon thingy Fiona carries it)

Silvermist: ooooh a voice exciting (she said
cheerfully and clapped her hand)

"i don't share Sil's enthusiasm but it doesn't hurt to
look right?" (Rosetta kind of responded like how she
was in the 1st movie in the "well first time for
everything i guess" respond)

"huh you do?" (Mahendi looked over on me)

"guys get up and get out of the wagon"
(Mahendi told them calmly)

"woah we never visited this place before"
(Vidia said as she's looking over at the mist
kind of thing just like in Frozen 2)

"exactly" (Tinkerbell nodded and so did the others)

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