Chapter 6 First troubles already

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everyone is sleeping having their sweet dreams
while me, i wake up hearing voices and placed
my hands on my ear thinking it's all in my ear
so i tried to ignore it but it was no use so i
get up and walks outside the camp where i
can be alone and closed the door with the
room i share with Mahendi so she won't
hear me, and i'm about to sing too so i did
did that and whispered softly and walked
further and further from that camp and
eventually i was outside the fairy camp 
and just didn't care about humans

all i wanted to do was to do the right thing for
everybody and do my distance just to look for
the things i'm looking for to get the answer from
the theatre i've heard from Lyria, i mean it said 
fairies are able to get there

the song ended after like 3 minutes and
bad weathers started to occur and that
woke each fairies up including Mahendi

"oh no, what have i done?" (i said as i'm in shock and
heavily from panic)

"huh? where is she?" (Mahendi said as she woke up
and noticed i'm not lying next to her when the
storm is about to start, the power is going down)

(Mahendi gasped not knowing what to do)

and just when she almost stepped out from
the door she hit the door not knowing where to
go off to since the power is off, everyone else
exclaimings with terrified and get themselves
safely since they have to put themselves first


"ouch, wow i sure can't see anything"
(she shaked her head and get up)

everyone is already flying nearly outside not having
an idea what it is about or where it comes from that
caused the power off with no light, but luckily for
everybody the light fairies are able to get light so
fairies are still able to see anything a bit, Mahendi in
that meanwhile glanced everywhere with a sharp 
to see where it comes from and she might have an idea
where i could be

"okay this is definitely not an good idea, ugh
just great now i put everybody in danger
i have to get out of here right now" (i said hiding at
near the human house leaning on a wall and
about to runaway)

even the animals, bugs and beast get themselves
to safely including Blaze, Tink's first and only pet

eventually they got themselves out safely so no one
is hurt, Nyx and other scout fairies took care of that

"how did this happen? is everyone alright?"
(Queen Clarion said as she appeared from above
and had a concerning voice in her face)

"don't worry Queen Clarion, everyone is alright
everyone is out and safe" (Nyx said on a serious note)

"thank goodness" (Queen Clarion said with relief)

Tinkerbell and her friends are with them while
i'm at a distance and so did Mahendi and finally
she found me since she went to look for me

"hey you okay? what just happened?" (Mahendi
said as she flew up to me while the others just
froze not having an idea with how or what)

"yeah i'm doing fine" (i said as i lied to her and
faked my smile)

"are you sure? i mean if it's something i can do i-"
(Mahendi ask in a worrying voice)

"no i'm fine really" (i said as i lied to her)

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