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After the service, Dannie was silent. She had her speech ready, but there was no way she could get all of it out. When they asked for the family of the dead, Dannie almost didn’t get up. She was lost in her vision of blurs and tears, her heart stuck in her throat again. Next, it was time for Dannie to give her speech.

            Dannie stood up at the podium. She looked at the group of people that consisted of aunts that wouldn’t remember her name, uncles that won’t remember her birthday, and cousins that she hadn’t seen in forever. Now, it was her time to grimly shine.

            “Today, as most would say, is a day of remembrance, not of sorrow. I’m not going to say that. Truthfully, today is a day of sorrow. I am sorry to say that my dad is dead, but there’s nothing that any of us can do.” Tears started to stream down her face, as she saw the audience’s eyes leak as well. “Trust me, if there was something that I could do, I would do it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to go back into the past. So, I’m stuck here, in the present, with all of my grief and sorrows. Unlike most of you here, I can’t go home and just be all like ‘what’s done is done.’ I have to go home and live with the fact that my routine will be forever changed. Please, don’t feel bad for me. I really didn’t mean to make this speech sound selfish, but some things had to be said. Please, reminisce on the memories you have, consisting of my father. And please, remember my family in your prayers, to that god that may or may not exist. Thank you.”

            There was silence among the crowd. That is, until Aunt Hilda stood up. “This girl should be awarded!” She got a few stares, before explaining herself, “She is the first person not to sugar-coat a funeral! At Henry’s funeral, it was all about when he was alive. This girl did what she needed to do, no matter what she said in her speech.” Aunt Hilda started to clap, with Uncle George along side her. Pretty soon, the entire room was smacking their hands together for Dannie.

            Ironically, it took a funeral to give Dannie the best day she’s had in a while.

Dannie woke up in the middle of the night, screaming bloody murder. Above her, was Lily andPaisley, “Dannie,” her mother said, shaking her. “Are you okay? You were screaming.”

            Dannie shook her head. Nothing was every okay, anymore. So what did her mother do? Lily told her the morning’s news early. “Dannie,Paisley? I have a surprise for you. In three days, were going toCalifornia. I was saving this for you two for in the morning, but I guess three A.M counts as the morning. So, we’re spending the whole summer there, so get some rest and start packing in the morning.” She kissed her traumatized daughter’s head, and left the room.

            What was going on? Dannie was shell-shocked. Her mother had planned a trip for the entire summer? What was her mother thinking? So many thoughts raced through Dannie’s head, she could hardly be able to fall back asleep. Somehow, she did.

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