He's Falling Again...?

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After a few weeks of staying inCaliforniaand watching Paisley’s relentless attempts of trying to getTyler’s attention, Dannie was finally getting used to everything. She was starting to relax. She was growing fancy toTyler. And she was finally getting over her father’s death. But was she ready to talk about it? All she knew was that she awoke to Daughtry.

            “What about now? What about today? What if you’re makin’ me, all that I was meant to be? What if our love never went away? What if it’s lost behind words we could never find? Baby, before it’s too late, what about now?”

            “Yeah, what about now?” She asked the music, as if it would respond.

            “Dannie! Wake up! Get your lazy butt out of bed! Mom and I are going for lunch soon and she wants you up!”

            “Why does she want me up?! You two are going to lunch! That doesn’t include me!”

            “She just wants you up! Now, stop listening to your depression music and get out of bed!”

            “It’s not depression music! Stop harassing me! I’m getting up! Gosh!”

            “Ugh!” She mumbled something that Dannie couldn’t understand and walked angrily away. What was her problem?

            She shrugged on a black tee and a pair of her usual blue skinny jeans. As she walked out of the room, she zipped up her hoodie and threw the hood onto her head. What were her and Tyler going to do today, with Lily andPaisleyout of the house and whatnot?

            Sitting at the table, there wasTyler, waiting for the only girl left in the house to come downstairs and suggest something for them to do. But what would Dannie Parks suggest? She was a bit of a downer, but even though he had only known her for a few weeks, he saw a difference in her.

            When he originally saw the damsel, she was staring at him from underneath her the hood of her black hoodie, and she seemed to have an interest in her. Not like she fancied him, it was like she was interested in him. Maybe what he was going to be like? Maybe what he was going to say? Or do? What he liked? What he didn’t like? Or was it just simply would he fall forPaisley, just like all of the other guys that saw her?

            It didn’t matter. What did matter was how she thought about him and now, andTyler was lost. All he knew was that some kind of feeling was developing for his new companion.

            Dannie, on the other hand, was very sure about her feelings. She felt as though leaving her and Tyler alone was a trap. What the trap was for, she didn’t know. What the outcome would be? She would soon find out.

            “Well, good morning.”

            “If you think so,” she said with a monotone voice.

            “So whatcha wanna do today?”

            “Hey, I’m not the one who lives here; I don’t know what’s around. You pick.”

            “You wanna go shop—“


            “Well alright.” He thought for a minute, before speaking again, “Want to go to the beach?”

            “ Don’t have a swim suit.”

            “Why not? You’re inCali!”

            “Because, unlike my sister, I don’t enjoy flaunting my body. Obviously, boys aren’t exactly attracted to me.” Dannie got up, and went back to her room to blast her music, for all ofL.A.to hear.

            “Well, maybe I’m attracted to you,”Tyler mumbled to himself, after he heard the music come on. “And, unless something happened since the last time I checked, I’m a boy.”

            He walked over and started to run the water. His hands were dipped into the steaming heat, and placed themselves on his cheeks.Tylertook the nearby dish towel and wiped his seemingly sweaty face off. What was his problem? Why did he care so much about this girl that he practically just met? It’s not like she was staying forever.

            He sighed. He knew that Dannie couldn’t stay. Come September, they’d go back to school and live on their lives, as though they had never met. But why was he so afraid of that particular thought? He had his senior year ahead of him, after all. And that year was going to be full of senior Californian girls. So, why was he so interested in this one girl?

            “How can you go around saying things like that? Look at me, Dannie, open your eyes. Can’t you see that I’m a wreck? It’s because of you,” he sang, thinking that those lines could be used in a song, someday. “After Elysia, I didn’t think I’d feel this way again.”

“I feel so much better, now that you’re gone forever. I tell myself that I don’t miss you at all. I’m not lying, denying, that I feel so much better now, that you’re gone forever.”

            All was true, except that Dannie didn’t really feel better. She didn’t feel worse, though. She sang alone, guessing thatTylercould hear her.

            There was no reason for her to care. Why should she? Why would she? Why did she? Even Dannie the Downer couldn’t deny the fact that she felt … good aroundTyler. Then again, who wouldn’t? Those eyes could make any girl melt, no matter how awkwardly colored they were. EvenPaisley liked him, no matter how upset she was with her sister; Dannie was sure that she still had a thing for their house mate. She was also sure that she might try something more, to get his attention. And although she didn’t know what she just might do, Dannie was sure thatPaisley would try something … interesting, compared to her pervious attempts.


Hey, guys! This is the end of what I have so far. I'm working on the next part. Stay tuned! :D

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