Propane Nightmares

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Stockholm, Sweden, 2021

Fuli stood in a dark Husby a stormy evening, she was dressed as sexy as possible, but that also meant a lack of clothes, a lack of clothes meant that it was cold, she was freezing, she had already been over to five different guys in their apartments, only to get thrown out with some money when she had 'served her purpose'. It wasn't very rewarding either, she had gotten 2000 sek this night, totally, however, she did see some flashy sports car up ahead with its engine and lights on. A rich person indeed, if it was a dude maybe she could fool him to pay her more than she usually sold herself for. She walked up to the car, loud music was heard from it.

"Well, it's been such a long time coming
I thought you'd understand
That I'm so far ahead of the lines
You've been drawing in the sand"

It wasn't untill now that she noticed that the body was completely made out of carbon fibre, which meant the car was really expensive, she walked up to the passenger door and knocked on the window, the music stopped and the window rolled down, inside the car she saw a lion about her age, perfect.

"Hi baby, you want a little extra to spice up the night?" Fuli asked, the lion didn't answer at first, he just looked at her, it almost looked like he felt bad for her, he opened the passenger door, Fuli gasped as she noticed how the door opened, it was dihedral synchro-helix doors, which was only used by one car brand in the world.

"Is this a Koenigsegg?" She asked, pretty rhetorically though.

"It is, sit down, we're going to my place, c'mon, you're gonna get sick in that outfit." The male said as he motioned for her to take a seat. Fuli sat down in the car. The lion put in reverse gear and reversed out of the parking. When he drove out on the street he looked at her for a second.

"Girl, you're completely soaked, and you're only wearing a tank top and some shorts in the middle of the night." He said, caring and maybe even a bit worried.

"I'm fine, is it long to your place?" Fuli huttered.

"It's on Östermalm, so yeah, it's a bit to go." He answered. They stopped at a traffic light, the lion took off his hoodie.

"Here, put it on." He said, Fuli gave him a confused look. Then she seemed to have put two and two together. She gave him a crooked smile.

"Okay, so you prefer girls with hoodies? Usually guys want me to show so much skin as possible. But well well, we all have our fetishes." She said as she put it on.

"It's not about that, it's about you staying warm so you don't get sick." The lion said as the light turned green, he drove towards the European Route 4.

"I moved out last week, and that's lucky me now, my parents would flip if I took a stranger home to them." He chuckled.

"Okay, but we should greet before we come home to your place, I'm Fuli." Fuli said.


"Okay, Kion, ready to fuck a cheetah like no one else?" Fuli asked him with a sexy tone.

"Fuck? Oh, we're not having sex." Kion said as he entered the freeway.

"Then I demand that you exit the freeway as soon as possible and drop me off." Fuli snapped, she felt fooled by him.

"That's not what I meant, I meant that I'm gonna help you out in another way." Kion said.


"Do you know what I think you need? You need a nice meal, some dry clothes and a hot shower." Kion said. Fulis' heart suddenly got really warm, someone actually cared about her. She couldn't help but crack a smile.

"Thanks." She said as they entered Sthlm City. Maybe 30 minutes later they got inside Kions' apartment.

"Nice place." Fuli said as she took of her shoes in the hall.

"Thanks, Hellcat loves it." Kion smiled.

"You have a cat? I love cats." Fuli smiled as she thought about all the cats she had met on the street.

"Yeah, they're so cute." Kion nodded in agreement.

"Uhh, the bathroom is on the second floor to the right, and my room is to the left furthest down that hallway, I think I have some clothes that you could borrow, make yourself comfy as I prepare food." Kion said.

"Got it, and... Thank you, Kion, you have no idea..."

"No problem, Fuli." Kion cut off. Fuli went up the stairs to the bathroom, she locked the door and took off her clothes, she touched one of the towels, it felt soft, she walked up to the mirror and gave herself a smile as she watched her spotted yellow body.

"Damn right, I knew I deserved better than that." She said to herself thinking about all those nights as prostitute. She stepped into the shower and pressed a button, the button was surrounded with gold, in fact, the whole shower minus the glass seemed to be made out of gold, she didn't care so much for it as the water hit her skin, it was warm, clean water, she closed her eyes and enjoyed it all, she hoped she could stay at Kion's place, not because of the luxury that was included but because of she actually had a home if she could stay. When she was done showering she got into the guest room, got dresssed and walked down to the kitchen where Kion was making mashed potatoes and entrecote.

"Something smells delicious." Fuli smiled.

"Then let's hope it tastes as it smells." Kion nodded thankfully.

"That frying pan looks... different." Fuli pointed out.

"Yeah, it's platinum." Kion answered.

"Oh my, how rich are you?"

"Well, I've taken over my dad's companies when he retired so very rich." Kion answered, then he turned off the stove and putted the saucepan of mashed potatoes on the table.

"Dinner's ready." He said, then he opened a can of cat food and laid it on the ground, a grey cat came into the kitchen and started eating.

When Kion and Fuli sat and ate Fuli realized something.

"Kion, wouldn't your girlfriend get mad if she got home and I'm here?" Fuli assumed.

"Oh, I'm single, don't worry about that." Kion answered as he poured some bearnaice sauce beside his entrecote. They sat under a few more minutes of silence, Kion giggled over how Fuli just threw food in her mouth and swallowed it down with wine.

"Fuli, take it easy, the food's not going anywhere." He laughed a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've just not eaten real food for I don't know how long." Fuli said.

"I could figure that out, you're unnaturally slim." Kion said.

"Oh, right, Kion, I don't mean to be rude but can I please stay here? I know it's your place and all but..." Fuli got interrupted by Kion.

"I'm gonna help you find a job, Fuli, and by the time, you can stay here, and when you have a job, you can stay here untill you can afford your own apartment, alright?" Kion said. Fuli got up from her chair, she walked up to him.

"You're really gonna do that for me? You deserve this." Fuli said as she leaned towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, Kion blushed heavily which Fuli noticed, she giggled a bit. Later on the evening Fuli laid in her bed watching TV, she scrolled the channels, SVT1 were sending their usual boring stuff, SVT2 were sending Aktuellt, a news program, Channel 3 were sending The Purge: Election Year, after some scrolling she decided she was too tired to watch TV, she turned it off and closed her eyes as she cuddled up in the blanket, she was so happy that she met Kion, he was gonna help her out of her life as a whore, she could never thank him enough for it, with that, she fell asleep, and it was probably the best sleep she'd ever had.

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