Jim Dandy/Test

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Jim Dandy:
Sire: Cross Traffic
2-Bluejay Screech
Sire: C J's Awesome
Sire: Archarcharch
4-On Your Toes
Sire: Run Away and Hide
5-Total Takeover
Sire: Gemologist
Sire: Speightstown
7-Dreams Deferred
Sire: Jump Start
8-Right Direction
Sire: Morning Line
9-Listen For It
Sire: Dialed In
10-Middle Deck
Sire: Midshipman

Half of the Jim Dandy field had run in the Belmont. Listen For It had won a stakes at Saratoga in July, and Nashville was looking good. Greenisforgo had lost a step when he got beat in an allowance race. This was Total Takeover's first start, and I hoped he didn't finish worse than 5th. He couldn't lose confidence now, or he might never win. Confidence was a large part of Total Takeover's approach to running. Yes, I knew that, even though he couldn't say it out loud.

I was mulling all this over as I walked Total Takeover around the ring trying to calm him. John came over to me.
"Whatever he wants to do. If he's last, don't let him pull a Calidoscopio."
"Roger that."

Total Takeover was completely calm as the field warmed up. I sensed that if something startled him though, he would start running and never stop. That might be just what he needed. Everyone was led in smoothly, and as the 10 colts stood there, poised to exploded forward, I slapped Total Takeover. The gates slammed open at the same second, and Total Takeover went straight to the lead. I brought him back until there was another horse next to him. He thrived on competition.

"And the newbie Total Takeover goes to the lead. Listen For It and Threepeat are right up there, but it's Greenisforgo who is challenging Total Takeover early as the run into the first turn. Dreams Deferred and Middle Deck are 2 lengths back, followed by Right Direction, Nashville, Bluejay Screech, and On Your Toes."

As we hit the backstretch, Total Takeover was straining against the bit. He wanted to go, but he was on the lead! I realized he was used to running with Theworldisahead, who always pulled away from him in the final yards. This colt was really smart. Greenisforgo started to fade, but Listen For It came up to take his place. They battled down the backstretch, and as we hit the turn, I let out a notch of rein, hoping to get away before the closers could reach us.

"As they enter the final turn, Total Takeover is drawing away! He's in front by 5 on the turn! Listen For It is trying to gain ground, and Middle Deck is flying up on the outside! Bluejay Screech is giving chase, but he's making little headway. Total Takeover enters the stretch alone in his first race! Total Takeover leads by 9 and is destroying this talented field! Down the stretch, Total Takeover has indeed totally taken over! The real race here will be the battle for second between Listen For It, Middle Deck, and Nashville! Threepeat is flying down the outside! Total Takeover hits the wire leading by 12 lengths! Listen For It comes back for second, with Middle Deck third, followed by Threepeat, Nashville, Bluejay Screech, Dreams Deferred, Right Direction, and Greenisforgo edges out On Your Toes at the finish. What an amazing performance by a maiden!"

Total Takeover was 1 for 1 and Travers-bound. He wasn't very tired and reared when I led him to the winner's circle. As I led him back to the barn alongside Listen For It, whose barn was next to mine, he snorted and prances sideways away from the other colt. Listen For It didn't even lift his head. Total Takeover had found a rival, and Total's next race would be the Travers.

Theworldisahead wouldn't settle down throughout the day before her race. She knew what was coming the next day. Only 5 fillies had shown up to test my filly, and only one was a threat. Come to Terms was the CC Oaks and Alabama winner. The daughter of Animal Kingdom's rival Shackleford, she could actually take this race from Theworldisahead.

1-Torn Between (5-1)
Sire: Union Rags
2-Sparkling (15-1)
Sire: Brilliant Speed
3-Follow Up (12-1)
Sire: Langfuhr
4-Find X (10-1)
Sire: The Factor
5-Theworldisahead (4-1)
Sire: Animal Kingdom
6-Dad Said Go (30-1)
Sire: Scat Daddy
7-Come to Terms (5/2)
Sire: Shackleford

Theworldisahead was extremely calm in the paddock, just as she had been before the Belmont. I wasn't worried. The Belmont had been her best race. Come to Terms, meanwhile, was extremely hyper. The 2 fillies were complete opposites.

Theworldisahead warmed up perfectly and loaded into the gate smoothly. She was instantly alert and but not ready to spring forward like she should be. My instructions were to send her to the lead, but when the gates opened, we quickly fell behind. I decided to not waste her energy and have her try closing. There wasn't anything else I could do; we were too far back.

Going around the first turn, Theworldisahead kept herself close enough to be in contention; she didn't pull a Calidoscopio and fall 20 lengths back. I sat chilly on her until we entered the backstretch. Even though the race was barely halfway over, I gave her her head.

"Entering the backstretch, Come to Terms is setting sizzling fractions! Torn Between is right up there with her, followed by Sparkling, Find X, Follow Up, Dad Said Go, and finally, the Triple Crown winner Theworldisahead. She seems to have fallen out of contention, I doubt we'll see much from her today."

Theworldisahead took off, eager to get to the lead. She passed the struggling Dad Said Go, then Find X and Sparkling, then the fading Torn Between. Come to Terms wasn't taking a breather while loose on the lead. Bad thinking on her hockey's part, cuz it wasn't going to last long. Theworldisahead's move had taken us from last to second in a quarter mile, and I just hoped she could keep it up. We drew even with the undefeated Come to Terms. My filly looked the other filly in the eye. They stayed glued together entering the final turn, but as we approached the stretch, Come to Terms seemed to come to terms with her predicament. She was up against us, and there was no way she was getting her nose on front again. Theworldisahead dug in, and we ran away down the honestretch from yet another vanquished foe. I never touched her with the whip, and I turned and looked at the tote board after we hit the wire. 1:18.02, a new race record.

I was really happy with the win, especially after Theworldisahead's slow start. Johnny V had the good sense to not burn her out trying to catch up right away and let her slowly gain on the leaders. Come to Terms, who would have been nominated for at least one Eclipse Award, had been knocked off her high horse by my filly. I decided there was no point in running her against girls anymore. The next stop? The Travers.

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