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The rest of the drive was sound quite. There wasn't a peep from the two teens or the driver. Just the sudtle Humming of the radio and the sound of the occasional pot holes they fell in.

Sherwin honestly didn't know want to do Under the others gaze. Jonathan had been staring at him the whole time With an admiring smile on his face.

Sherwin looks from the floor of the car over to the other only to catch him staring, Again.

"Uh...I-Is there something on my face?" Sherwin say using a sleave To wipe his puffy cheeks.

Jonathan Flinches, startled out his gaze.

"Oh, there's nothing on your face. Im just admiring you."

Sherwin looks down to the car floor blushing. Jonathan can only smile at this Then look away to the side. He knew His gaze was making the ginger anxious and he didn't want to spooke away the poor thing.

There's an awkward silence that fell upon them And sherwin was the first to break it. After all, he had so many questions. Like why Jonathan was being so Nice to him. And why he wanted to hangout with a Nobody like himself. I mean- Jonathan Basically just realized he existed today. And he's already inviting him to hang out at his house?

" what are your parents like?" Is the first question Sherwin asks.

His reaction was small But still Noticeable. Jonathan Blinked a couple times as if in disbelief that the redhead even asked him that.

Sherwin immediately picks up on This.

"Oh don't have to talk about them if you don't want to." The ginger shyly states.

"No, no its not like that...its just That we don't really get along that well."

When Jonathan sees Sherwins big doe eyes looking back at him with concern, he practically melts. Almost like icecream on a hot summer day. Jonathan has never met someone quite like sherwin In years. The ginger makes his heart race. That's pretty unusual for Jonathan. He does his best to keep people away from his heart.

Usually he'd get confessions from girls. And while they were all pretty, they came off as really aggressive and needy, ready to head to 2nd base without going through first Base. And some Simply just liked him for his fortune. But Sherwin was different. Jonathan could tell he genuinely liked him and cared about him.

"Dont Look so worried Sherwin, Me and my parents aren't that close because they work overseas. I rarely get to see them That's all." Jonathan gave sherwin a reassuring smile. But it was all just a facade to make sherwin feel better. It was true what he said goes deeper than that. Jonathan doesn't want to think about it right now.

"Oh okay." Was all the redhead could say.

"What about your parents?" The blue eyed teen asked Trying to stear the Conversation off Himself. He Never did like people knowing too much about him.

The redheaded boy smiles sweetly before speaking. The other boy could tell sherwin had a good relationship with them already, unlike himself With his parents.

"They're great, they always support me no matter what decisions I make...even the bad ones." He lets out a small giggle At the end of his sentence.

Jonathan just listens fondly.

"They're kind to me and Hailey- that's a must, after all they are our parents. They do nag me about my grades though, like all the time since im not know. Hmm... Oh! They also own a bakery in town. I don't know if you've heard of it though...its kinda small. Its called 'Cocoa Coner'."

(Sherwithan) First LoveWhere stories live. Discover now