Here we go again (Bakugou's POV)

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Vulgar language
Uncanon shit
If you don't like it you can leave

"Nothing." I remembered this tone and feeling. Deku was angry. This wasn't any was deathly angry. The bell rang and I went to class.
"Has anyone seen Midoriya?" Aizawa questioned. I stayed quiet I was terrified at the moment and stuck in thought.
"Bakugou can you go look for him."

I KNOW he did not just ask ME to look for him...

"Huh?! Why should?!"
"Is there a reason you shouldn't?"

Yeah. There was.

"Tch!" Was all i could say.. I had no choice. I got up and walked out the classroom and noticed green curly hair behind a locker door. I watch as it was aggressively shut by an angry broccoli boy.
"Hey..Deku." I kept my voice down and didn't let off a bit of anger.
"What." He turned and looked at me with dull green eyes. I gulped as daggers went through my throat.
"U-uhm.. Aizawa sensei told me to get you for class." He scoffed and stood beside me.
"Let's go." He grumbled as he began to walk, unusually fast, to the classroom. We walked in as Deku held his head low and a tint of fear in my eyes.
"Midoriya what took you so long." Deku answered with a huff as he took a seat and wrote in his notebook. That notebook wasn't the one for notes, it was for his thoughts. There had been a LOT of shit talk in that book. I got a glance from him added by a shiver down my spine. I trembled and then sat down.
/bakubro you good? You look like you've seen seen things/
/I'm fine shifty hair/
"I would appreciate it if you would stop whispering during my lesson." Aizawa interrupted. I gave a silent tch and paid attention.

At the end of class
Free period

We were in the dorms and I had sat on the couch on my phone.
"Bakugou!" A crimson head and yellow haired kid walked up to me. It was Shitty hair and Dunce face.
"Bakugou! Hey man!" Dunce face said. He and Shitty hair sat beside me.
"Bakugou you seemed a bit different in class earlier. You good?"
"That's none of your business!"
"Geez I'm just asking!" I shook his hand apologetically with a grin.
"Midoriya seemed a bit off too-" I cut shitty hair off.
"He's just in a bad mood. Tch!" I shivered a bit at the thought of his lustful eyes. Deku walked in with a brunette and a multicolored haired boy. Icyhot and pink cheeks.
"Deku-kun are you sure you're okay?! You look so tired!"
"I'm fine Uraraka..just please quiet down.."
"Midoriya if you need to tell us anything you know we are willing to listen.."
"I know Todoroki-Kun but I don't want to talk right now.." Deku walked to the counter and made him some coffee.
"I'll be in my dorm.." he walked out as all eyes watched his behavior.
"That was unusual behavior from Deku."
"Mina has a point. He never acts like this." Glasses said in a concerned tone.

What an understatement. Everyone continued to talk and everything.

"Guys I just remembered what day it is!" Dunce face said.
"Huh? What is it Denki?"
"Its Prank pulling Wednesday!"
"Oh my god dude you're right!" Shitty hair said.
"But amigo we need a different victim. And we did everyone already."
"Yeah..all except one." He smirked.
"Mission prank Midoriya?" He asked looking around.

I spit out my water and began choking.

No fucking way am I letting this happen. Not if deku is like this

"But it has to be a GOOD prank since every time we did pranks he was always left out." Dunce face smirked.
"We should strike him with multiple pranks!"

What the fuck did they just say?!

"Hell no! No fuckin way we are doing that shit! Not to Deku right now!"
"Come on Bakugou! We will let you do them! We know you like pranking people!" Pinky said
"I'm not risking my life for you idiots!"

Deku is angry asf//2 PerspectivesWhere stories live. Discover now