This happened before?! (Deku's POV)

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This is the same story but Deku's POV

Contains bad language
Uncanon actions
Other shit
If you don't like it then why the fuck are you still here

I hadn't really slept much. I got a text from my mom earlier in the day that she needed me to help her at home. I could feel fear through the text. I couldn't help but worry so I didn't get any sleep. I got up and it had been 6:30 am. I went home and the door had been open. I walked in and saw none other than my 'father' H***shi.
"Son welcome home! I heard you aren't quirkless anymore!"
"Why are you here?! And where is Mom?!"
"Your mother is just taking a 'nap' upstairs. That isn't the focus-" *I don't believe that for one second.*
"What did you do to her.."
"By all means, what do you mean?" I ran upstairs to see my mother with a black eye and blood over her unconscious.
"Mom!" I ran over to her as I checked her pulse.

She was losing

Her pulse had been very slow and her breathing was hard to feel. H***shi walked upstairs.
"Oh my?~"
"She kept you away from me. So I dealt with her." I grabbed my phone and called 911. My 'father' got arrested and my mother was sent to the hospital. She would be out for a few weeks and needed special treatment. I went back to the dorms and went to sleep. My alarm had went off and it had been 7:30. I hit the snooze button and went back to sleep. I had missed my alarm and when I woke up it was 8:15.

*I'm late to class..fucking great..* I never felt this way. Well I did once. And trust me..the scene wasn't pretty..

Flashback to Middle school

I woke up late. Yesterday was a shitty day. I got bullied. Money was tight. Kacchan teased.. as fucking usual. I had a major headache and attempted to have a normal day. Even if it included the bullying. I got ready and ate breakfast. I bid farewell to my mom and left, slamming the door. I walked in and grabbed my things. I walked into the class with my head low as I felt eyes on me. I heard a silent snicker which I assume came from Kacchan and sat down.
"Midoriya you are late. Again."I ignored him and sat down quietly in my seat. *it's always 'your late'  but they never ask if a person is okay..* I felt eyes on me. I looked up and saw Kacchan snickering more. Most likely because I was late. This irritated me and so I glared at him hoping he got the memo.

Heads up!

He didn't...

He turned around as his eyes met mine. He stared into my eyes and then looked away.

End of class

I walked passed Kacchan and bumped into him. I paid it no mind as I kept my head held down and continued walking. I was grabbed by a burning hot hand and thrown to the ground.
"Who do you think you are bumping into me?! Huh nerd?!" He said to me before grabbing my shirt. He then punched me in the face.
"You really do have some audacity huh?! Little shit!" He punched me again. He punched me in the chest this time. I slowly moved my head up and looked at him with my dull eyes. He froze in place.

"Let. Me. Go."

Obviously he doesn't see how angry I am.

"You think he would listen to you?!" One of the other bullies replied. Kacchan snapped back into reality and spoke.
"Tch! Yeah you really think you scare me?!"

Wrong move Kacchan.

I grabbed his wrist and began squeezing it.
"Awww~ you think your weak ass can break my wrists~" he teased.
"I don't think..I know." I quickly replied as I squeezed harder and..


I broke his wrist. He yelped in pain.

"Agh! shit!"
"Bakugou!" His friends ran over to him to helped. All of his bones in his hand had been broken. Not necessarily what I wanted to happen. But it worked.
"Now if I break the other one Kacchan will be quirkless too!" I said smiling.
"And we don't want that do
we?~" My expression changed as I left.

Time skip a few days later

I had been locking my locker. Kacchan's friends walked up to me angry. *what the hell do they want now..?*
"Oi quirkless bitch!" He pushed me onto my locker as I fell to the floor.
"Agh shit.." I mumbled. They began to rummage through my locker throwing things out looking for stuff.
"Aww what's this~"
"Looks like notes to be a hero~"
"Awww and is that a picture of his brother~ too bad he's gone! So you won't need this!" I watched as he grabbed the picture and tore it to shreds.
I had only seen my brother once when I was young. My mother had let me keep that picture..

Now it was torn to pieces...

This time my eyes weren't green. They were a dark shadowy red. I slowly got up, as my eyes glowed.
"Aww he's angry-" I cut him off by Kicking him in the stomach and then punching him in the throat as he fell to the floor. Then i stomped on his back making him cough blood.

The other idiot stood staring with fearful eyes as he ran. I threw the boy at the locker causing the guy to fall.I broke the guy's arm then chopped him in the neck causing him to pass out. I then grabbed a cloth and suffocated the other guy on the ground as Kacchan stood, once again frozen in horror.
"Remember this time.. I won't be so nice to you.." I said as my eyes faded back to green and I walked away.

1003 words 😭
Hope yall like this. I'm trying to constantly publish. I'm pretty new to wattpad so sorry if it isn't the best 😅.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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