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Shikamaru POV

I woke up the sun shining. A heavy thing was on top of me while I lay or should I say, someone.

I look down and saw Hashiru completely on top of me. This position made my face red as I remember being cold in the middle of the night and pulling her close to my body letting her warmth surround me.

I stared at her peaceful state. Seeing her head on my chest. I can't help but smile as I wrap my arms around her waist and back.

Soon enough Hashiru shifted bringing her arms around my neck and her head to the side of my neck. This made me blush more. Feeling her breath against my neck and how her lips are so close to kissing my neck. Oh, how I wish to wake up like this every day.

After a few minutes, she begins to move, and her eyes start to open "Goodmorning" I said with a smile. When she was aware of the position we have she jolted up which startled me. She stood up to the side of my bed.

"Sorry I got carried away I thought you were a pillow! Sorry if I crushed you I ju-" she said sort of panicking.

"Hey. I'm fine okay? Come here." I said as I open my arms signaling her to continue the cuddling. She got on top of me the same position we were in earlier.

"Well if it makes you better. But you need to eat breakfast. It's already 9 am." Hashiru said looking at me.

I stared at her for a while. What is this feeling? I begin to move her hair out of her face and putting them behind her ears as she did the same to mine. Why do I feel like everything is not drag anymore? I was starting to lean closer and closer to her face until our faces were inches away but ruined when there was a knock on my door. Well, maybe that one is a drag.

"I'll get it." Said Hashiru standing up and leaving my room. As she opened the door I heard two familiar voices Choji and... Naruto. I got this feeling. Naruto likes Hashiru. This type of feeling is such a drag.

The three made there may to my room greeting me. "What are you guys doing here?" I said. "Granny Tsunade said to help Hashiru on taking care of you to see if she needs help." Said Naruto. "Hm, maybe I do need help since I need to cook something for breakfast. You guys can just stay here." Said Hashiru. "Oh, can I come? I would like to taste your dishes first!" Said Choji while munching on his chips. "Sure." Hashiru simply said. "Can I help t-" Said Naruto but cut him off by me. "Lady Hokage said to have some more people to check up on me not to taste test. Let Choji go with Hashiru while you stay here." I said not because of what lady Hokage said but the truth is... I'm kind of jealous. Choji I can still trust. But Naruto? Not so much.

"Granny Tsunade said to help Hashiru and not you bleh!" Naruto said sticking out his tongue.

"Well, Shikamaru has a point. Let's go Choji. And maybe next time ill take Naruto next to help me for now you can help by taking care of Shika." She said with a smile then leaves with Choji.

A few minutes later Naruto was sitting on a chair looking at me confused. "What was that about Shikamaru?" Naruto asked. "You like her... Don't you?" I said. "Huh? You're overthinking Shikamaru I only like her as a friend. OH WAIT maybe YOU LIKE HER!" He said teasing right when I was about to say something Choji burst to the door.

"THE FOOD IS READY! AND IT TASTES HEAVENLY!!" Choji said as they walk into the room. Choji giving Naruto a plate with food and Hashiru sitting right next to me. She put the food on the bedside table and helped me to stand up straight. She grabbed a hair tie and a comb and starts combing my hair. I blush and blush. It's kind of relaxing. She tied my hair to my usual style. She sat beside me holding the plate with food and begins to feed me again.

"One day I will be able to repay you for all the kindness you did for me," I said.

"There's no need to repay me I'm just doing my mission." She said smiling and taking a spoonful of food to my mouth. "How about we watch the clouds later after this? Want that?" I said to her smiling.

"Are you asking me out?" She said.

"No. Usually, if I'm going to ask a girl out I would ask them if they want me to take them out to dinner. Speaking of dinner would you like to go out to dinner with me?" I said.

"Alright after you heal okay?" She laughed.

Her laugh. I heard it and it's beautiful it's very calming seeing her smile that is not fake. Don't worry Hashiru I'm going to make you happy every day.

She continues to feed me still grateful and appreciate all the effort she has done.

Time Skip Shikamaru Pov Afternoon

We're done eating, Naruto and Choji went home after helping Hashiru. Hashiru put me in a wheelchair and walked around the village and heading to a hill to watch the clouds. Relaxing next to Hashiru will be amazing. We made it to the hill and Hashiru placed a blanket over the grass and lifted me off the wheelchair so I can lay down on the blankets. We are she laid down as well.

Hashiru: There's something Ino said to me that caught my attention.

Shikamaru: Yeah?

Hashiru: The thing called love. I wonder how it feels.

Shikamaru: Love can be a drag sometimes.

Hashiru: Do you know how it feels?

Shikamaru: Hm. I think love sometimes is fun, relaxing, and calming. It makes you happy it makes you want to spend more time with that person lot more.

Hashiru: Is... This love?

Shikamaru: W-what?

Hashiru: Well laying here with you is fun, relaxing, and calming. It makes me happy and I want to spend more time with you.

Shikamaru: I g-guess it's love. (Blush)

Hashiru: But. How do you show love?

Shikamaru: It all depends on the person on how he or she sees love and how affectionate they are. Surely your parents loved you. You can base it on that then. What do your parents do that makes you happy?

Flashback Hashiru POV

"Happy Birthday to you~" my mom and dad sang. "Where's my birthday gift?!" I said.
My mom brought out her camera and extended her hand so that me, mom, and dad are in the frame. I smiled but got startled as both of them kissed my cheeks. This made me overjoyed.

Flashback ends Shikamaru POV

I looked at her seemed to be deep in thought but smiled later on. I couldn't help but smile too. She's so precious. I look back at the clouds and filled the air with comfortable silence. I let out of sigh of relief. This day is not a drag at all. If only Hashi-

I was deep in thought but got startled when I felt Hashiru's lips kissed my cheeks. My eyes went wide and my cheeks are red. I slowly turned around to face Hashiru to see our faces close together.

Hashiru: My parents always kissed my cheeks and it made me happy. And I want to share that love with you.

Shikamaru: Th-thank you, Hashiru. (My eyes softened)

I caressed her cheek with my finger and eventually cupping her cheeks leaning closer and closer forward closing my eyes as she did the same but soon got startled when a bunny out of now where made a rustling sound on the bush ruining the moment we just laughed it off and enjoy the comfortable silence. What a troublesome bunny.

It eventually became nighttime and we lay on our backs again against the soft blanket.


This is new.

Our eyes became heavy eventually falling asleep.

This isn't such a drag. He thought

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