Chapter | 8

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I ended up waking up at several times that night. After trying to fall asleep several times, I realized it was no longer possible. That look and that smile insisted on appearing suddenly in my mind, making me lose sleep out of anxiety.

By the time Mrs. Jeon called me, I thought she was going to ask me something about meeting me. If she had brought it up, I could finally see if it was just my imagination or if we really knew each other. But waiting for someone to bring it up was silly of me, wasn't it? After all, I might as well speak for myself. And I would do that.

The next day I rushed up to the building and ran looking for Miss Yeo Been, but I didn't find any traces.

- Dong Yeon, did you see Yeo Been-ssi today?

Dong Yeon appeared to be thinking of something until he simply said "no."

I stopped running, and I was waiting for a while, a long time. 11 days to be exact.

Obviously I was already worried. During this period, I kept insisting to myself not to imagine things, as there might just have been some problem. But she hadn't been around for almost 2 weeks, what if something had happened?

I tried to keep my head up as I listened to people at work asking where she could have gone and that Miss Jeon could easily be fired after that lack of commitment, but I was pretty sure that wasn't it.

at least as far as I knew, it was obvious that she was struggling to stay there, I highly doubted she would miss the spot she was so excited about something that wasn't relevant.

So I started looking.

At least according to the description she gave me, I looked for at least 3 coffee shops where she could work and asked them all if anyone had news.

In this search, I actually ended up finding where she worked, but unfortunately, the only news they had was that she would be absent for a few days for personal reasons, nothing more.

Was she in trouble? Maybe she didn't want to tell, or didn't want help because it was personal, but I was still worried.

On another day at work, Director Yang called me into his office.

- Hello Mr Song, we need to talk.

- You can talk. What it is about?

- Actually, about a dismissal. I'd rather talk to you first than to your parents, at least to hear your opinion since you are colleagues.

I swallowed hard when I heard the word fired. If it was the person I imagined, it would be a little difficult to avoid that.

- Are you by any chance referring to...

- Yes, Miss Jeon.

Shit. I knew it would happen another way, but what made me most irritated was that I couldn't do much.

- Look Mr. Song, I know she won a sortition and that the relationship with Miss Jeon was very good, but the company rules say that we cannot tolerate an absence for that long, even more without explanation.

- I know that Mr. Yang, but I don't think we can fire her.

The director looked at me with an arched eyebrow, with the greatest expression of doubt I had ever seen on his face. Well, apparently it was time to use some bad excuses.

- May I know why not?

- Well, did you give her a contact card?

- Of course, we do this with all employees.

- What if... She's been mugged?

- Well, in that case, she could easily use a pay phone.

With him having a different answer to each of my questions it was difficult to support my arguments.

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