Amour challange

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Serena pov.

I was still thinking it's a dream or real because the boy of my dream is standing in front of me I am finally able to see him again
After so long time but ..ash is changed like its eyes are less energetic than before and why he hides his face from the hood and he is less talkative than before and he does not make eye contact with me I  am worried about him now so I decided to ask him. Ash..ash.ASH, I yelled finally it's u don't scare me like that, he said with shattering in his voice now I am more worried so I decided to ask more question but I was cut off by calem,

Ash pov...

hey u whatever is ur name stay away from my girlfriend,calem yelled and my heart like shatterd into million of piceas and world is distroyed for me, is that true serena, I asked from serena with some hope, ash he just a friend of mine, she said, thats relief, I said in low voice, u said something ash, she said what but how could she hear that nothing serena but I was cutt off by a familiar vioce,ashy-boy,??? said, I turn around and see gary coming towards me by holdig two ice cream cone in his hand, hey gary u are late u know, I said,heee sorry so who is with u-SERENA, gary yelled, gary what r u doing here I think u going to pick ur friend, serena yelled in confusion, well......ash is that friend, gary said, WHAT U KNEW EACH OTHER, yes sinces we are in dipers after that gary gave me confuse glair and I understood what is he trying to say ..stay from serena because of ur darkness I did not waste a second to stand up walked towards gary

Serena pov...

after a glair of Gary ash suddenly stand up and walks towards Gary, ash where are u going???? i asked sadly i did not want him to go, gary house am i right gary???, u are right ashy boy,hmmmmmmmmm thats wierd why they both are nervous, ok serena maybe see u soon,ash said and left,MAYBE ASH WHAT DO U-but he already left,what a looser boy haaahaaaa calem said with laugh and this trriggered me, HE IS NOT LOOSER HE IS THE MOST AMAZING PERSON I EVER KNOWN AND HE IS MY DEAREST FRIEND, i yelled with full power, comeon serena  me and u both saw how much he shattering during ur convertition just like a looser, camel said, I SAID HE IS NOT LOOSER AND DONT DAIR TO CALL MY BEST FRIEND LIKE THAT, i said   come on serena u dont deserve that boy u should quite ur friendship with him u deserve some one like me not him calem, MY ASH IS 100 TIMES BETTER THAN U(omg i really said my ash) ur ash, said everyone i...ts no....its not like that i said with heavy blush, are u sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee said everyone YES I AM SURE AND I THINK WE SHOULD HEAD BACK TO OUR HOMES , i said and start runing towards my house

3person pov
Calem( thinking)-what the why she calling him her I need to get a ride on him to wait and watch Ketchum

Location- PLA HQ
Good show- so does anyone have any IDEA what we do next
Cynthia- maybe next exhibition match
Diantha- yes what about the exhibition match of calem Xavier champion of Kalos
Lance- are u sure he is too strong and what about his Opponent

(With that everyone start thinking about Oppent)

Kukui- what about alolan champion ash Ketchum

Everyone- WHAT !!!!!

Kukui- yes he is a mysterious champion of alola

good show- ok that's final next match b/w




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