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Pietro POV:
It's been a few days since the football tryouts. Today, they were going to find out who made the team.

"I'm really nervous." I said

"Don't be. You did amazing at tryouts and I know you'll make it." Said Wanda


It was now time for lunch and we still haven't said anything about who made the team. It was quite nerve racking.

"Hey silver boy!" Said Joshua. "Come here!"

I walked over there thinking I was about to get hurt. But instead he handed me a jacket.

"Welcome to the team silver" said Joshua

"You aren't joking. Like this isn't some prank."

"Nope. You're good. Not as good as me but you know good enough." Joshua says all cocky.

At look at my friends.They are all smiling and clapping for me. I never realized how perfect all their teeth were.

I sat back down and Star hugged me really hard.

"I'm so fucking proud!" She said smiling.

All I could think about was her lips against mine. And to be honest we were pretty close together. I was trying to move closer but than the fire alarm rang. The moment always get ruined.

Star POV:
I was kinda happy that the fire alarm rang. I mean don't get me wrong I wanted to kiss the man, but than again we were in the middle of the cafeteria.

We got outside and I heard sirens. All I could think about was that day.

My mom was cooking and I was sitting on the counter. I was telling her my day with dad. I said something funny and she started laughing.

But the laughing caused her to grab her chest. She fell to the floor. I called for help. All I heard was sirens.

I didn't know what was happening. I thought she was ok. But she wasn't.
*end of flashback*

"Star, you okay?" Asked Wanda

"I don't feel so good" I say. I then throw up on the field.

"Come on sweetie, let's take you to the nurse." Said Wanda


"Ok Ms.Star, I'm going to call your dad to come pick you up." Says nurse Michelle. I shake my head yes and she walks off to call father stank.

"Is everything okay Star?" Asked Wanda

"Everything is fine" I say. "And you better not be reading my mind" I said whisper yelling.

"To late" the girl said. "Now when were you planning on telling me about this."


"I understand you are in titled to your privacy, especially something like this, but maybe you should talk to someone." Wanda said sounding really concerned

"I know and I've tried. But therapy isn't my thing." I say

"I know but at least go to someone who you trust the most." Wanda said

"Alright, I'll try."

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