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You are not okay yet,Ash.You need to rest for a while.Your illness will be more serious if you keep being like this. ” ujar Alex.

Doktor Alex cuba memujuk Ash.

It's okay,Alex.I want you to help me.Tomorrow,i will take a flight to Japan.Please take care her as a princess when she's stay here. ” Alex sudah menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya.

Ash yang terlantar diatas katil masih memikirkan tentang Aisya.

Okay.Then,I will leave now.Take care,bro.If there are anything happens,please inform it to me. ” Alex mengemaskan barang-barangnya sebelum berlalu pergi.

I will,Alex.Take care too. ” sesudah Alex keluar dari bilik tersebut,Ryan dipanggil menggunakan isyarat tangannya.

Ryan yang faham dengan isyarat tersebut mula mendekati Ash dibirai katil.

Did other group or gang knows about Aisya? ” Ash menyoal dengan serius.

There's no one knows about Aisya except our team,but others will knows if you stay want to keep her in this hospital. ” Ryan menjawab sambil memberi amaran.

Good.Please tell to all our members to keep the secret.If i know one of them try to tell others about Aisya,I will kill them with my hand immediately.You get it right?She's my princess. ” Ryan hanya menganggukkan kepalanya.

Air liur yang ditelan mula terasa pahit dikerongkong tekak.

I will stay in Japan for one or two month.Before I take a flight tomorrow,please arrange Mr.Noah to meet me.Our team is on you while Im stay at Japan.

“Let me tell you the truth,Afiq

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Let me tell you the truth,Afiq.First of all,I just want to said that im really sorry cause i keep this matter from you.You are her husband so you should know this. ” Faiz menarik nafas dengan panjang sebelum kembali berbicara.

Dia cuba untuk melengahkan masa.Baru sahaja mahu menyambung dialognya sebentar tadi,seorang anggota polis datang meluru kearahnya.

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