"I CANT DECIDE WHAT TO WEAR" giulia screamed. "Chill bruhh lets quickly drive to the mall and buy u a lovely dress and a pair of high heels " Alexia said comly. While josh I panicing on what to bring her. "Hey look theres a lovely silver sparkly dress right there". Said alexia" Let's go buy it". " Yessss I love it" said giulia. "Wait are those the shoes Natalie la rose wore to the grammy awards" announced Alexia. "YES they are" screamed giulia. " We are gonna get u those shoes lets go try them on" said alexia. "They fit perfectly" said giulia. While josh is at the mall looking for a lovely suit for the date and buying the perfect corsage for the lovely Giulia. Wonder how they date ended read the next part til now byeeee
sisters for live except when theres a boy involved
Randomfour best friends over a guy