1.07: Across the Pond

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Saturday morning and everyone had to get up bright and early – dad was taking them to the airport for their flight.

Freya jumped out of bed and rushed into the toilet for her morning pee. Although she was getting used to her new peeing regime, something felt different from last night, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was (metaphorically speaking). Not bothering to wipe herself dry, she went straight into the shower, lathered the lightly perfumed shower gel and enjoyed aromatic atmosphere.

As they were in a hurry to get to the airport, she was out the shower and dried before she knew it. Pulling up a pair of panties and donning a bra, before pulling on a long-sleeve top and leggings, she was ready in double quick time. One last check that everything was packed, she closed her wheelie case and headed carefully down the stairs, dragging the it behind her and she was at the door, ready to go!

Mum checked all the documents while dad loaded the car. This morning, Freya had no hesitations when she left the house and had a smirk on her face as she got in the car.

As mum turned round to check Freya had her seat belt on, she said, "What is the smirk for?"

Freya replied, "I was thinking about what Mark said last night on the phone, he quizzed me about the girl he saw with you yesterday. When I told him it was my cousin Freya. . . He said that she was drop dead gorgeous and could he meet her sometime?"

"And you were worried about anybody recognising you! If your best friend since forever didn't work it out, I don't think you need be concerned about anything."

They were nice and early arriving at the airport, and dad helped them up to the bag-drop desk, where mum handed the lady their documents.

After checking the paperwork the lady said, "We have a slight problem on the Transatlantic leg. We're overbooked in economy – would you mind being upgraded to Premium?"

Mum looked in astonishment and replied, "Who in their right mind would object to being upgraded?"

The attendant replied, "You'd be surprised madam – some people like a certain seat, no matter what!"

Mum said, "Thank you very much - we'd love to accept.", pausing before adding, "Why us?"

The attendant said, "Well you were one of the first to check-in and you and your daughter just caught my eye as you walked into the terminal – you just looked like the perfect family - it's a pity your husband's not travelling with you - and the earlier we offer the upgrade the easier it is for our colleagues in Amsterdam."

Mum took their their boarding passes, and passports, and thanked the lady again.

The lady then said, "Just one other thing. You also have access to the Airport Lounge and of course have priority boarding."

Mum thanked the lady once again, as they left the desk. As it was a Summer Saturday, mum thought it would be best to go through security before it got too busy. Dad walked with the girls as far as he could before giving them each a kiss and then came a family hug. He said, "See you in Toronto in a couple of weeks!", before he watched them disappear airside.

Through security and passport control and nobody had batted an eyelid, well except for the teenage boys that is. With every encounter any concerns that Freya had about being found out were fading into history.

With a couple of hours until the flight, they followed the signs to the Airline lounge, where had a leisurely breakfast and relaxed in the comfy armchairs in a corner.

While mum browsed through some magazines from a rack, Freya took out her diary and started to update it.

Still with plenty of time for the flight, they decided to make their way to the gate via the shops. Mum got a couple of crafting magazines and Freya got a couple of teenage fashion ones.

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