Chapter 7

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I woke up and opened the curtains to see a beautiful view.Then there was buzzes coming from my phone.A LOT of notifications.Wtf!?

Loads of people were tweeting to me and facebook messaging me.Why?Someones been spreading rumours!

I instantly I pinch my self as I read the tweets on Twitter.One read,"Wtf?Gonna beat him up cuz he wants some fun!!?" More read things like this,"It's a party bitch!Get over the fact you can't always have your way!" "If you like him go for it or are you scared!?" "Scared to get drunk!?Hahahah!!" "Your fucking 14!?Whats wrong with you and you are harsh as fuck to my best mate!!!"

Um who told everyone about that time at the party!!!??? I had to find out who told EVERYONE!!!

So there was 100 people at that party.Not many to be honest but I only knew a few of them.

I doubt t would be Nash,Cam,Mahogany,Jacob or the Jacks.Why would they do that?

Also that other guy who um I hit.I can't remember his name?Or his two friends names?Who els was at the party!?Oh yeh that Marian girl who seems to hate ALL girls apart from her little crew.Oh yh and Sarah and Daisey.I doubt that they did it though.Why would they do it to me?They barley know me.They actually seemed alright to me though.Phew.

I rung Nash and told him and he said not to worry,So I just avoided the social media and went to get something to eat.I just grabbed a cereal bar went upstairs and got dressed and did my make-up.I curled my hair in beach u waves.

Then there was a knock on the door.Seriously? "What do you want?" I was Jackie."Do you want to go home!?"
"No!" I replied. "Well shut up!" She said. I walked off "Ugh,I'm going out I'll be back later." "Okay whatever." She said.

As I walked down the lobby I realised I was walking really fast so I slowed down and walked out of the door.

Alone - Mathew Espinosa (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now