Tell Me What To Do

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Olivia's POV

I can't believe Spencer just did that. He's got some nerve. Telling me not to marry Chris. Chris who has been there for me, Chris who has been nothing but nice and supportive, Chris who loves me, Chris who I love. I can't believe him. Yeah I'll always love Spencer but he missed his chance. I told him how I felt after his book came out and he completely blew me off. Now he wants to give me a reason, correction reasons not to marry Chris. Well its too little too late. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a knock at the door.

"Spencer I swear if you don't leave me alone" I say throwing my brush as the door opens, accidentally almost hitting Jordan.

"You sure you weren't the one meant to go pro?" He chuckles catching the brush. I roll my eyes. "What do you want Jordan" I ask him my mood now worse than it was earlier.

"I take it your talk with Spencer didn't go as planned" he asks me with a concerned tone. I can't believe he knew. "So you knew he was gonna ambush me before my wedding, Jordan really" I ask him slapping his arm.

"First of all, ouch. Second, of course I knew. It was my idea. He actually wanted to do it earlier but I told him to wait until the wedding to be more romantic." I slap his arm again.

"Ouch, you're gonna have to stop hitting me. Why are you still back here. Why didn't you get your man sis". He ask me waiting for an answer and I'm not sure if he's serious or if this is all just a joke to him.

"In case you forgot, you're the maid of honor in my wedding, the wedding in which I'm marrying Chris."

" I know but come on. We both know I've always been a Spelivia Stan". I roll my eyes at his comment.

"Theres no future for me and Spencer, so much has happened and I'm not gonna subjective myself to more drama. I love Chris and I-" I start before Jordan cuts me off.

"But you're in love with Spencer, which again brings my question why didn't you get your man SIS!". At this point I take a seat because Jordan is clearly not listening to me.

"It doesn't matter how I feel about Spencer because him doing what he did today just proves he's uncomfortable with change. He only told me he loved me and tried to "get me back" because his football career is over and he's trying to hold on to something familiar. If that wasn't the case he would of told me sooner when I confronted him at his release party". I tell Jordan taking a breath.

"You don't really believe that do you? This is Spencer we're talking about. He wrote a whole book about how much he loves you." "So you keep saying but its yet to be confirmed. When I asked him, he denied it". I tell Jordan.

"Well I'm telling you he wrote it about you. About your love. He told me himself. The comparison is uncanny. Vegas, Niagara Falls. Car crash, bicylce accident. Should I continue?" Jordan says very amused. None of this matters because it's too late. I've made a committed to Chris and Im not gonna break that because of Spencer's sudden wants. As I continue to think I hear the music start.

"Jordan let it go. I have. Now it's time for me to get married". I tell him completely over this conversation.

"But Liv-" he starts but I cut him off. "Can you just be happy for me. Please. Just go get Dad so I can do this." I tell him in a pleading tone.

"Okay" is the last thing I heard him say before leaving the room.

"Hey baby girl you ready to do this" I nod at my dad's question. "So beyond ready, you have no idea."

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