Ch. 5- Reciprocated Feelings

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Taehyung's 1st Person POV

It's currently 12pm. We just left our second rest stop where we switched up. At our first rest stop, at 8am, Y/N took over the driving duty, while I kept her company by sitting in the passenger seat. We let Jimin sleep a little longer. Now, Jimin is behind the wheel with me remaining in the passenger seat because Y/N wanted to nap and I wanted her to be comfortable laying in the middle of the SUV.

About twenty minutes into us being on the road while Jimin is driving, I called for Y/N, but she didn't answer.  I looked back to see that she had already fallen asleep.

For a few minutes, Jimin and I talked about our expectations for the trip and what we hope we'll be able to do in the cities we are in. I know we will not have much time in each location, but we can try our best.

I decide to bring up the topic on my mind that has been making me anxious since I came up with the road trip.

"Jimin, I need your advice," I look over to the driver who's current main focus is the road.

"What is it about, Tae? I'll try and help," Jimin says, not breaking his focus from driving.

"I think I'm going to confess to her." I reveal to Jimin. He knows exactly who I am talking about.

"Confess? After all these years?! About fucking time, man!" Jimin says with genuine enthusiasm as he removes one hand off the stirring wheel and pats my left knee.

"So, you don't think it's a bad idea? What if things become awkward if she doesn't feel the same way?" I question my major concern out loud.

"Then, at least you tried. Tae, if you never tell her how you feel, and she finds someone else, would you regret it if you never confess to her? I know it can be risky and it could affect your friendship with her, but you've been in love with her even way before you both hit puberty." Jimin makes some valid points.

"I love her even more so now," I tell Jimin as I try to relax in the passenger seat of my vehicle.

"So, is that why you came up with the road trip? Is this part of the plan?" Jimin briefly look at me to cock an eyebrow then looks forward to pay attention to his driving.

"Honestly? Yes. Y/N and I both love adventures and I know she wants to visit more states. I thought this would be memorable for us and it would be a perfect time to confess to her."

"When exactly are you planning on telling her? Is there a certain stop?" Jimin inquires.

"I don't know where. that's not quite planned, honestly. I want to tell her when the moment feels right but I definitely want to do it before we arrive in New York." Just thinking about telling Y/N how I feel about her at some point during this trip makes me a little apprehensive because I'm terrified she won't feel the same way. But, if I don't try to open up, I'll never know if she and I will have a chance of being together in each other's lives as more than just friends.

Y/N's 1st Person POV

My eyes flutter open, slightly, but I decide to close them again and try to sleep a little while longer. I listen to the boys talking, thinking their soothing voices would help lull me to sleep. Instead, I don't fall back to sleep because I am now listening intently to their conversation.

So far, I've heard Taehyung saying something about confessing his feelings, but neither of them have mentioned a name. When they mention this trip, I start wondering if he's talking about me. Then, once I started hearing my name in the topic, I am completely sure I am the woman they are speaking about.

I continue to listen.

"Well, I'm sorry I intruded on this trip, man," I hear Jimin tell the man sitting in the passenger seat.

"Jimin, we wanted you to come on this trip. You needed a break away from everything in California! You need as much of an adventure as we do, and Y/N and I need you around as much as we can since we'll be living on other sides of the country," Taehyung assures Jimin that we want him on this trip.

"Yeah, I get that, but I just don't want to get in the middle of your plans," Jimin says softly.

"You won't. I'll tell her how I feel. I've been in love with Y/N all these years. And, never doing anything because I was afraid of ruining our relationship kept me from telling her. But, when she was in her last relationship, I felt so distant with her. Now that she's not in one and had some time to move on, I need to take my chance before it's too late again."

Wait. What?

He said he's in love with me.

Am I dreaming?

I pinch myself discreetly without the boys noticing any movement from me. Once I pinch myself, I confirm I'm not dreaming what I just heard.

"You know I approve of this, Tae. I support you telling Y/N." I hear Jimin say with sincerity in his voice.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. All this time I kept thinking that what I felt for Taehyung in the past and what is resurfacing lately would never be reciprocated. And, now I'm hearing that he's in love with me.

I try not to smile, but I can't help it.

Now, that I really think about it, Taehyung has always been there for me. He's always gone above and beyond whenever I needed him. Through my past breakups, stress from school or conflicts with my family when I was younger, the loss of my grandfather who I was so incredibly close to- he was there for every moment when I really needed him.

Of course, I thought that all those times he was there for me was only because he viewed me as a friend he cared about. All those times, I kept falling more in love with my best friend. To think he actually feels the same way, well, I never thought it would be possible.

It might be that I always sell myself short.
With all the drop dead gorgeous women he's had flings with, I never could compare.

But, those women were only flings. None of them lasted long. But, he's been by my side all these years.

And, fuck- I just remembered the night Taehyung and I had drunken sex with each other and how, the morning after, I begged him to forget about it so as not to ruin our friendship. I remember him reacting oddly but didn't think much of it.

I know we were a bit drunk when it happened, but did it actually mean something to him?

I guess during this trip, Taehyung and I will really need to open up to each other. I think it's time for me to tell him how I've always felt about him.

Although I still have doubts because what if us getting together ruins the bond we've cultivated all these years as best friends?

I can't lose him from my life.



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