Ch. 23- Adjusting to A New City

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Taehyung's 1st Person POV

It's been two weeks since we arrived in New York. To Y/N, this city has been home for her for a while now. For me, I'm just getting used to my new surroundings. But, I do feel at home with Y/N being by my side.

The first week of me being here was spent getting acquainted with the city. Y/N and I made the best of the week we had with Jimin before he flew back to California. Y/N took us all over New York, to locations she knew Jimin would enjoy.

Y/N told me that since I now live here, she'll save other sights for just the two of us, which I understood. Although Jimin appears to be doing okay, I know he's still a bit broken because of Lani. So, Y/N made sure to take him to places that were up his alley, like going to the New York City Ballet and shopping in SoHo. We also went to the typical tourists traps that he's always wanted to visit, such as the Statue of Liberty and the Bull of Wall Street.

Jungkook joined us on our adventures which also helped make Jimin smile and he did stay at Jungkook's place a couple of the nights he was here. I'm glad that Jimin and Jungkook connected during our road trip. And, it seems they have plans to visit each other in the future Y/N and I didn't complain when Jimin stayed with Jungkook for some of the nights he was here because that left the two of us to have the apartment to ourselves.

It was bittersweet when we drove Jimin to the airport. He's like a brother to both me and Y/N. He and I have been through so much together so it'll take a lot of getting used to him not physically being around me almost daily.

I had the first week to settle in my new city. My furniture and belongings were shipped with minor issues. There were scratches on a couple pieces of small side tables. But, with strategic placement and putting Y/N's knick knacks or doilies her mom made her on top of the scratches, it's as if they are in decent condition. I'm glad my taste in decor is similar to Y/N's, because all of belongings work well together in the apartment.

The second week of being in New York is when I started by job with Vogue. I've dreamt of working as a photographer for a highly regarded magazine. It's definitely a whole different ballpark to what I'm used to. But, with all the experience I've had in the past, I know that my skills will help make me successful in the position I'm in with Vogue. Whatever I'm not familiar with, I'll adapt to and quickly learn the ropes and the way things are done in the company.

Of course, Y/N and I are making sure to find time for each other while juggling our responsibilities. It does make it easy to spend time with each other given that we live together.

Since Y/N and I are no longer platonic, there have been plenty of nights were we would be in our shared bedroom, learning about what we like in bed. I've learned some kinks I was surprised she's into. She wasn't shocked about my kinks. Needless to say, we've been enjoying trying out these kinks and preferences with each other.

During the road trip, we had discussed how she has an IUD to prevent her from getting pregnant, since she still just wants to focus on herself and her career, which I understand completely. She also said she had one fling, a while back, after she broke up with Yoongi. Since then, she said she went to see her gynecologist and made sure to get tested and she had shared with me how she's clean. I told her a I had a full-on physical right after I found out that I got the job with Vogue. I'm just glad we took all the precautions because it allowed for us to really feel each other without latex being in the way. I felt her direct warmth and wetness.

Sex with Y/N is like no fucking other. Could the sex be more enhanced because I love her? Maybe. But, whatever it is, sex is incendiary with her.

As much as we've been indulging in each other's bodies, we've also been enjoying going on dates when we are able to. We've hung out so many times as friends, but to actually go on actual dates with her has been a dream.

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