CHAPTER 13 The Beginning of Adventure

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Chapter 13

The Beginning of Adventure


We coughed as he rose to the surface, air replacing the water as easily as if we were a balloon that could fill with helium and float or fill with water and splash. Beach swam out to us and helped me onto the shore. "How do I reverse this?" I asked.

"Dry out first, and then stand," he nodded encouragingly. Conner was looking out to sea.

"Don't worry. He's gone forever... he'll never hurt me again," I said with releaf and flopped back into the sand. Conner smiled, lying down beside me as my scales detached from my skin easily. The other guards broke the sand line, rushing over to us quickly. The last scale detached, and I put my arms around Conner's neck as he picked me up like a bride.

"Are you alright?" they asked.

"I'm fine. I'm better than fine. I'm free," I hugged Conner tightly. He laughed.

"Not really. You'll need saltwater baths every day while on land, you're still immortal, but you can die easier," Beach warned.

"But I'll live without that little cloud of fear," I smiled, closing my eyes and yawning.

"True, true. Now it's time you two rested. Let's go to the beach house. Your Sam is coming today, and I have a feeling he'll strangle me if you aren't well," Beach smiled.

"Sam? Oh! That's right. He said he would come once things were settled back... home. It's weird that it no longer feels like home," I stated.

Everyone chuckled at that, "Seacall Beaches never gives up what it makes," they said.

"Oh? And what did Seacall Beaches make?" I asked.

"The start of the greatest adventure," Conner smiled.

"I like that idea. But before we go on any long adventures, we have to introduce you to my family," I say.

"This Sam person?" He asked.

"My mother and my brother, silly," she laughed.

"It'll be a pleasure to meet them," he kissed my cheek.

I was so happy. Nothing could take this from me, and me from it.

Or so I thought.

"Taylor," Sam hugged me that night. "I'm so sorry, but Theo's dead," his voice broke.

At the dawn of the happiest day of my life, I lost my brother. I had lost someone dear to me once and broken into a thousand shards of glass. Now I had Conner's fire rushing through my veins.

"How did he die?" I asked.

"Jacob thinks that Uncle Remer's covering it up. He died somewhere away from the place Remer said he did, and Theo had been missing since the day they arrived at the asylum. Your Uncle is beside himself with regret," Sam put his head in his hands.

I turned to Conner, "I need to ask something dangerous of you," I whispered.

"I'll do it," Conner said without hesitation.

"It's time we took a trip to Maine," I nodded. "We're going to find out what happened if it's the last thing we do." 

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