Chapter 6

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Izuku could feel two eyes burning into the back of his head and he quickly looked at making eye-contact with Ochaco. You were facing forward waiting for the teacher to enter while Izuku and Ochaco had a glare off. Bakugou noticed you from a far and narrowed his eyes, he could feel your charm from miles away and was slowly being engulfed in it. He was struggling to take his eyes off you till you noticed him and quickly looked at him. He blushed a bit and looked away making a small 'tch' as a response. "Alright children, settle down..." A rather tall black haired man said standing with a sleeping bag in his hand.

"Wait you can take those to school!?" A rather cool looking, yellow haired male with a black clip asked. You looked back to see where the voice was coming from onto the be met by yellow eyes. The boy stared at you in awe and amusement. "Ahem, each of you are getting a training hero suit for today, meet me by the (*big brain*) gym area outside," he said as he threw the suits at everyone. A few caught them with ease and others stumbled back a bit. "(Y/n) we should get changed," Izuku said as he quickly pulled you out the room, Ochaco followed glaring at Izuku a bit. Bakugou watched and simply chuckled. 'Oh a competition I see, hah, like those dweebs are gonna win (y/n) over!' He thought proudly to himself.

The yellow haired boy from earlier was already changed and waiting near the door to the gym area. You quickly got out the room and decided to try and be first before Izuku or Ochaco. "Oi! (Y/n)!" The yellow haired boy called out for you. "Huh? Oh hello, since you know my name what is yours?" You asked as you looked at him. "Denki Kaminari, just call me Denki for short hot stuff~" he teased making finger guns and winking. "You flirt!" You retorted back and giggled a bit. Bakugou soon met up with both of you and rested a hand on Denki's shoulder giving him a menacing glare. Denki backed up a bit slightly started and looked away from you.

You looked at Bakugou confused and just shrugged it off as you headed outside. Aizawa was already outside waiting with his hands in his pockets, looking tired as ever. "(Y/n) careful of the people in this school," Bakugou muttered so only you could hear, and then walked away. The rest of the class soon joined up and let Aizawa explain why he called you and them out. Izuku and Ochaco quickly stood beside you. You looked at both of them and then at the teacher. Ochaco was hardly paying attention and just looked at you the entire time. Izuku glanced at you every so often, he gave a little glare to Ochaco, which in return she gave him one. 'Leave (y/n) out of your shenanigans!' Izuku mouthed to Ochaco.

'The only shenanigans that are here are your doing!' Ochaco mouthed back menacingly. "Is that understood class?" Aizawa said clearing his throat breaking the tension between the two. A red haired boy stood behind you (😏) and tapped your shoulder. "Hey whats your name?" He asked with a toothy smile. "Oh its (y/n)," you said briefly. Izuku and Ochaco did a small glare at him and walked away. "(Y/n)'s such a nice name," he said and rubbed the back of his neck blushing a bit. "Oh thanks, whats yours?" You ask walking next to him. Denki stood next to you and booped your head. "Oh jeez!" You yelped in surprise, Denki laughed a bit. "My names Kirishima," the red hair boy said ignoring Denkis' joke.

"Nice, well we should get inside and to the training they were talking about," you said as you began walking inside the building. Denki and Kiri followed eye-ing each other for a while. Bakugou, Izuku, and Ochaco all looked at you as you headed over to the first station. Since they got a head start Bakugou got bold enough to re-do the station you were at. (Since he already did it so he's redoing it, that makes much more sense doesnt it?) "Oi (y/n)," Bakugou muttered, your love interests eye-ed Bakugou a bit. "Yes?" You asked slightly annoyed. "Well I was thinking maybe you and me could hang out?" He asked quietly. "It's the first day but sure," you replied and then moved onto the next station. "What do you think they were talking about?" Denki asked Kiri.

"Not sure but it seems suspicious," Kiri responded. After a while you all got your results and you were 5th on the board. "Not bad," you said as you looked over at Izuku who gave a dejected expression. You then looked to seem him come in last which made you chuckle a bit (as a sadistic person myself I'd do the same.) Ochaco also chuckled a bit, she looked at your score and went over to congratulate you but was interrupted by a black haired girl beginning to speak after Aizawa said this wasn't a real test. "Sorry I didn't tell you guys, but if you were smart enough you would've guessed it," she said in a harsh tone. You all then went back inside and saw Izuku going to recovery girl for healing him. 'It's not even the first week of school and he's been in there 3 times, just what is he doing to himself?' You thought to yourself and then noticed his fingers and gasped a bit.

'Holy shit, his quirk does THAT to him!?' You shook your head and just sat in your seat. "(Y/n) (y/n)!" Ochaco called you over to her desk, you got up and went to her desk a bit confused. "Wanna exchange phone numbers?" She asks eagerly, you nod and pass her your phone number. She happily types it in and gives you a thumbs up. "Oi (y/n)!" Bakugou said calling you over, you quickly waved to Ochaco and went over to Bakugou. "Wanna walk home with me, dunce face, and shitty hair?" He asked, he strained himself to liking them as friends. "Oh uh sure!" You said and rubbed the back of your neck. "Cool, I'll meet you outside," he says and gives a soft smile.

A/n: Sorry this took a little longer then expected. Plz be patient with me, I have school, so like I said these updates are weekly. And its currently 3am so I am going to sleep.

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