Chapter 13

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Socks opened his eyes to an unidentified area, his head swam and he could feel himself rocking from side to side. He could hear water sloshing on the outside, and quickly realized he and the gang must have made it safely to the boat. He sighed with relief and attempted to stand up and quickly sat back down as dizziness hit him.

"Oh god-" he started out.
"That's- Not good-"He muttered to himself in multiple breaths. He sat for a good second to reorientate himself then he stood up, wary to move slowly and not push himself. He was in a small room with white walls and wooden floors.  One lone window sat on one wall and Socks could see out of it. He could see dark clouds over on the horizon.
"Storms coming soon, Again." He said to himself.
"This one looks like it's gonna be brutal." he observed just from the color of the clouds. He decided he would leave this small room and see if he could find where the rest of the gang was. As he stood up he stumbled as the boat took a sharp turn and heard an unidentified shout

"Sorry!  But hey were here now!" Socks quickly ran to the door and yanked it open a surprised yelp could be heard.

"Jeez socks you scared me."  he heard a voice chuckle. Socks spun around and saw Nadwe clutching a hunting rifle close to his chest. He then heard footsteps and saw Ally turn around the corner.
"Oh hey socks, You're finally awake and just in time too."  Ally smiled.
"How long was I out for?" Socks asked.
"About, Oh give or take 5 hours." Ally thought carefully, Shaking her head from side to side slowly.Socks thought for a moment. Then shouted,
"Yeah-" Ally shrugged, "You were out like a light my dude." Ally laughed.
"No wonder, You got chucked into a wall by a tank, I'm surprised you're not dead." Nadwe pointed out reminding Socks about what happened before he woke up on the boat.
"I didn't hurt any of you, did I? He asked worried,
"No, we were all safe and sound." Nadwe nodded calmly "I'm actually surprised, You attacked the tank instead, Gave him a good clawing." Nadwe let out a small laugh. Socks paused and thought about what Nadwe was saying. Instead of attacking his friends he attacked another  special infected? That was odd.
"Anyway the reason I came here is to let you both know, That we've arrived at the Sugar mill." Ally said after a moment of silence.
"Eww I hear witches-" Nadwe complained.
"That's why we were grabbing shotguns, We definitely need them." Ally responded calmly to Nadwe who gave her a pouty face.
"Why do we need to be here?" Nadwe asked after a moment.
"Well you see, I assumed we were gonna be heading towards New Orleans on a boat, So we need gas right?" Ally asked. Nadwe paused for a second and then nodded. "There's a gas station on the other side of the sugar mill, we get there to get the gas and get out. Easy peasy. Ally finished.
"That sounds easier then it's going to be." Socks sighed. Knowing what lay in the fields of The sugar mill.
"You're not wrong-" Ally chuckled.

They got off the boat and the captain wished them good luck and they started out on their journey.
"Captains going to be checking round for some survivors, the reason he's doing that is because we're gonna be getting gas."  Ally said to everyone but they already knew.
"Wait question- Why don't we just use the gas we have to keep going to New orleans?"  Muffin asked.
"Because its not enough to make it to the next town," Ally responded calmly. She then thought for a second. "We might have to go back though." Ally then muttered.
"Why would we have to go back?" Meme asked.
"Mercy hospital is that way." She jerked her thumb back to where they came from, "But I realized we were closer to an evac center in New orleans, then to Mercy hospital." She responded.
"Really? Your caring to tell us that now?" Socks asked, slightly outraged. Ally paused for a few seconds and bit her lip.
"Yesss-" Ally said hesitantly, "But we can always go back." Ally pointed out.
"Yeah we can always go back UNLESS WE DIE BY THEN!" Socks shouted. Ally stayed silent, she couldn't really argue with Socks' argument. He had a point and she hated to admit it. She was really lying. Yes, New Orleans was closer to the swamp, but Mercy hospital was a lot smarter to go with, as there were doctors and that's where the first of the infection was started so they would probably know the most about it. She glanced at Socks whose yellow eye was glowing brighter.
"I'm really sorry, I know we should've gone with Mercy hospital but this was closer, you know?" she said. Socks sighed in annoyance and then shrugged.
"I guess you're right." he said and then he started walking away. Ally then felt a hand on her back and turned to see Laff looking at her.
"Hey don't worry about it okay?" He attempted to comfort her. She smiled back at him and he continued speaking.
"Socks is just scared of hurting us, he really has hope that Mercy hospital is gonna have the cure for this."
"But what if they don't, And i'm just lying to socks?"  Laff paused to consider what Ally said,
"You wouldn't do it on purpose. I know that for a fact. We've been friends for almost 10 years. I would know when you're lying to a person," Laff responded. Ally smiled because she really believed what he said.
"Thanks." She smiled. They were way behind the rest of the gang so she then said, "We should get moving..."
"Yeah." and they took off as fast as they could to catch up.

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