Chapter 19

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Meme ran towards the fallen body of Socks. He quickly placed his ear to Socks' chest. He didn't hear a heartbeat and he wasn't breathing.

"He isn't breathing!" Meme shouted at Ally. Ally had a panicked expression and looked around quickly thinking of what to do.

"Ive got a plan!" She said after a minute. She ran down the stairs and saw Nadwe sitting by himself.

Nadwe was gnawing on a little bit of candy left over in his bag that he packed when Ally had found him. It was extremely difficult to chew but eventually got a bit off.

"What's up?' he asked when Ally came down. Once he saw the panic in her face he stood up and grabbed his shotgun.
"I need you to go find a defibrillator," Ally said urgently. "Do you know what that is?" She asked him. Nadwe thought about it for a second.

"I do."
"Okay well take Muffin with you, There should be a van right outside the safe house that should get you what you need." Ally said to him. Nadwe nodded and breathed out of his nose. He grabbed a pipe bomb and Muffin was napping on a sleeping bag on the floor. He walked over and nugged muffin with his foot. Muffin yawned and shoved Nadwes black shoe away from him.

"Wake up!" Nadwe shouted at him. Muffin yawned and opened his eyes.

"Go away!"

"No, Ally needs us for something." Nadwe said. Muffin sat up and stretched. Muffin stood up and glared at Nadwe.
"What could she possibly need from us right now?" Muffin asked.

"A defibrillator." Nadwe responded. Muffin looked at him confused.

"What even is that?" He asked

"Its like a thing that can reanimate someone if there dead or flatlining. Only works if the person is barely dead-" Nadwe cut off and then thought about if.

"We NEED to get Moving!" Nadwe shouted at him. He grabbed Muffin's hand who barely had a chance to grab his pistol before Nadwe dragged him outside. The ran to the van that was across the clearing, Nadwe letting go of Muffin's hand halfway there. He then heard what sounded like roaring. He looked over to see a charger coming straight for him. Muffin stopped before he was in the path of the Charger and Nadwe just barely made it out of its range before it slammed into a fence. Nadwe and Muffin both unloaded their bullets into the charger and it soon fell dead.

"Yeah yuh!" Nadwe said triumphantly. He raised his hand as an invitation for a high five. Muffin accepted it and he laughed.

"Get taken down by two 15 year old's!" Muffin taunted the charger. Even though it was already dead. Nadwe laughed. Then he remembered the task at hand.

"Quick!" Nadwe said he ran to the tent next to the van and found what he was looking for. He slid the defibrillator in to his backpack and looked up to see muffin holding two injections in his hands.

"What are those?" Nadwe asked curiously.

"Adrenaline shots, Remember when Laff used them?" Muffin asked handing Nadwe one of the shots. Nadwe took it and examined it.

"Ally says we should wait a bit before we use something like this." Nadwe said cautiously.

"Well we're in a hurry, right?" muffin said. "This would be the time to use it." Muffin pointed out.

"Fine." Nadwe responded. He removed the cap and injected it into his knee. It felt like 6 cups of coffee being poured into his blood.

"Lets go!" Nadwe said with new found energy he took off sprinting, the adrenaline shots giving him extra speed and stamina. Muffin quickly injected himself and followed behind Nadwe. Legs pumping, he burst through the safe house door and ran quickly up the stairs. He turned around and saw Meme leaning over the limp body of Socks. Ally trying comfort him. Nadwe felt his face fall and he quickly ran and threw down his backpack next to Ally.

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