Red-Handed [6]

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~ Storybrooke ~

Emma and Ruby looked down at the jewelry box that Kayla and Jack had found in the woods.

"Is...Is that what I think it is?" Ruby wondered.

"Yeah," Emma nodded.

Ruby walked away from the box "I can't look,"

Emma got to work on securing the evidence within the box, she looked up when Jack walked into the office "She okay?"

Jack nodded "A little shaken, but she'll push through,"

"It's gonna be all right." Emma assured "We can figure out what happened now. You did good,"

~ Enchanted Forest ~

"You knew?" Snow White asked Granny as she and the woman trekked through the snowy woods to find Red.

"Of course I knew." granny admitted. "Her mother was one too before a hunting party killed her. I thought maybe Red didn't get it, but when she was 13, it started. I paid a wizard for that cloak. It keeps her from turning, but she doesn't wear it, and she's found some way out of the house,"

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"I didn't want her to have that burden. It's a terrible burden,"

"The story you told." Snow realized.

"That was her grandfather. He marked me that night, then came back, found me, turned me,"

"Turned you. You're..."

A wolf howled in the distance as the duo stopped walking.

"Granny? How are you tracking her?"

"By smell." Granny replied "I still have that, even though the rest of it has faded away. Gods, I was a fool to think I could keep this from her. I am a fool, and I've cost so many lives,"

"You didn't mean to." Snow assured "That's the main thing,"

"Is it?" Granny handed Snow the lantern "Here." she raised her crossbow "A silver-tipped arrow will drop her,"

"Oh..." Snow gulped.

"Shh! Follow me. We're approaching from downwind, so we have a chance,"

Granny and Snow continued down their path when they came across a wolf eating.

Snow took a fearful step forward, only to gasp when she stepped on a twig.

The Wolf growled as it turned towards the duo, Granny was quick to release the arrow.

"Cloak!" Granny ordered.

Snow took the Cloak off and placed it over the wolf. She looked up at the carnage "It's too late. He's gone,"

Red groaned as she woke up "Who's gone?"

"Get up, girl!" Granny rushed "Get ready to run!"

"What's going on?"

"Come on, Red," Snow said.

"Don't you hear them?" Granny asked.

"We have to go,"

"Go?" Red asked, still disoriented from the transformation "I don't understand,"

"I'll explain it later. We must hurry,"

"Huh? I'm confused. What's happening?" Red turned towards the tree "Where's Peter?" she noticed the body and turned towards Granny and Snow.

"He wasn't the wolf," Snow admitted.

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