Chapter 1. The Resonance

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Daybreak, a beautiful radiant light bathed the city in a delightful morning warmth. The residents scurrying about to both start and finish their day. From normal daily routines to out-of-the-ordinary events. Heavy traffic and horns honking filled the streets and highways around, the morning commute was in full swing. Within this metroplex chaos a group of best friends, all tired from a long flight, sat stuck in their rental car ever so eager to make it to their hotel. Two of the friends, Brandon and Arny, were both fast asleep in the backseat leaning on each other's shoulders. Small snores and groans exchanged between them every so many minutes. William, the third friend of the group, snickered from the driver seat at the sight through his rearview mirror, "Of all times for me to be driving." he thought as ideas swirled through his mind of things to do to prank his buddies. And last, but not least in the front passenger seat was Danny, lost in his daydreams as he stared out the window, his mind blank and distant from exhaustion. His eyes feeling heavier and heavier with each second passed, until finally Danny gave in to the sleepy urge and shut his eyes. A feeling of calm swept over him, all sounds both inside and outside of the car completely tuned out. Within this silence a faint whisper of a voice. Almost like a slow sing-songy tone, it sounded like his British accent. "Daannnny....... Daanny ...... Danny...."

A slight confusion set in for Danny, "Wait am I?.... talking to myself?". While in the midst of questioning himself the voice repeated a couple of times more, only louder along with a slight echo. "No that's not.... I'm not doing it.... Am I asleep? A dream?". A bright light suddenly blinded Danny he raised his hand in an attempt to shield his eyes. However, his arm felt heavy and difficult to move, like the sensation of moving underwater with weights. The silhouette of a man with his back turned to Danny stepped into view, blocking out this light. Before he could ask anything, this unknown figure turned to face him. A feeling of shock jolted through his skin, it was in that moment Danny found himself face to face with an almost exact image of himself, an image he was all too familiar with. Dressed in a black vest, tie, and pants, with a white shirt nestled underneath, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, this man radiated an aura of power as well as immense confidence, the person Danny stood before now was none other than his alter ego, Voltaire. Known to many through his social media platforms. However, as he stood in front of him now Danny felt that somehow this encounter was somehow different. Before he had any more time to think about it, Voltaire opened his eyes and revealed them to be completely white. Finding it hard to look away Danny stared back into this white abyss. After an intense moment of silence, Voltaire lunged towards Danny and pressed on his chest, almost knocking his breath away from his lungs. Once contact was made the intensity of the stare grew exponentially, the corner of his upper lip twitched slightly, this look and feeling of anger mixed with rage was inescapable. Voltaire slammed his hands against Danny once more but much harder as he shouted, "Wake up! Danny wake up!". The sound of William's voice filled the car, jolting Danny awake. Now conscious his eyes were met by concerned looks from all three of his friends.

"What's with the I've just seen a ghost look guys?". Danny tried to joke, unfortunately, it just made the moment tenser. "Alright, alright, you got me. I passed out on our great anime weekend run and we haven't even fully started yet. But to be fair Brandon and Arny passed out first." Danny put his hands up to the side and smiled in a clenched jaw kind of way. This effort would also prove to be in vain, the guys still had slightly disturbed looks on their faces. Brandon exchanged glances with the others before looking back at Danny. "Listen, man, that's not it umm.... for like 2 minutes we couldn't wake you and well...." Brandon trailed off, running his hand through his floofy, freshly slept-on hair. From his friends' hesitation to continue, Danny's anxiety and concern grew, his desperation to hear the rest of Brandon's sentence came out in a shaky unsure tone. "Well what? What else is there?". Arny bit his lower lip slightly till finally, the silence became too much for him. "Well Danny... your eyes... they kinda... turned actually, more like they rolled back into your head.... but you looked right at us.... just freaked us out a little. "

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