The Car Ride

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For the rest of the day you couldn't stop thinking about how Felix had chosen you out of any other people. Your friend (Tammy) walked up to you. "I saw you talking to Felix whats that about, hm?" "N-nothing. Nothing at all." You looked at the ground trying not to look at Tammy's face. Tammy continued, "well it's definitely something I haven't seen you blush since- I don't even know when!" She nugged you with her elbow smirking. "Oh shut up." You playfully push her smiling a bit as you guys start play fighting in the break room. You messed around untill you looked at the clock and noticed it was past 9 P.M. "Oh shit- I have to go!" You grab your stuff and quickly run out of the cafe not even changing out of uniform. You pull out your phone and call Felix. As it rings you slow down to a jogging pace.  It rang 3 times then Felix picked up. "Hello?"
You started walking and started looking for a street sign. "Hey Felix, I know this isn't really what I'm meant to call you for but I really need a ride home." 
Felix responded after a minute or so. " Of course I can kid!^^ We could also plan out the hike while we're in the car."
You smile and finally find something to tell him your location. "Thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done if you didn't pick up."
Felix chuckled across the phone. "No problem Y/n, anyway where are you?" You spot a small pawn shop and walk over to it. "I'm at xxx xx xxxx." You talk with Felix for another minute or so then he hangs up.



15 minutes later-  Felix pulled up to the pawn shop in a jet black Jeep Wrangler, it had mud caked up on the sides. It looked as if he just went mudding and got stuck in a bog. He had to honk a couple times for you to understand it was him.when you got into the car it smelled like pine trees as much as Felix did.
*does everything he own smell like the outdoors?* You start thinking on it a bit much when Felix snaps his fingers in front of your face. "Earth to Y/n. Do you copy?" He snapped again but a bit louder this time. "Y-yea. yea, sorry about that I tend to zone out a lot. Heh." You place your hand on the back of your neck and smile a small bit. "It's completely fine adventurer.^^ I was like that too." Felix smiled at you and pulled out his phone. "Where too? You seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere." You buckled your seat belt and pull out your phone as well. "xxxx xxx xxxx. I forgot that I said I was going to be back home at 7." Felix put the address in his phone and started on the road. "Oh, thats why you sounded like you were in a hurry. What are your brothers names?"

"Dante and Daniel they're twins." You texted the babysitter that you're on your way.

"Twins huh? They must be a hand full. How old are they?" Felix sounded genuinely interested in this topic which made you happy because not many people you know are very fond of kids.

"They're 6, my parents are on vacation right now and wont be back for another 3 days." You didn't have to add the vacation part, but you wanted to try and keep the conversation going.

"Sounds interesting, I'm guessing you wanna wait till your parents get back to go hiking?"

"Yea it would be easier that way." You wished you could go hiking with him right then and there, but you didn't have anywhere for your brothers to go or any of the proper gear with you right then and there.

"Thats fine, so tell me whats the longest hiking trip you've ever been on?" Felix's face went blank as he spoke.

"2 weeks is the longest hiking trip I've been on." You looked out the window watching the trees pass as you spoke.

"Alright, well this trip is going to be a month long or more. Just letting you know you can back out if thats to long for you." He looked over at you for a second then looked back at the road.

"I'm completely fine with it being that long. It just makes it more exciting!^^"

"Good^^" Help pulled into the drive way and got out of the car. You where about to open your door when he opened it for you. He smiled at you as you stepped out of the car. "Thank you^^" you smiled back. "No problem adventurer- wait. Is it ok that I call you that?"   "Mhm I'm completely fine with it." You start to walk up to your house. Felix shouted as the drove away "See you soon adventurer!"

You smiled and walked inside.

Later- 10P.M  You paid the babysitter and made shure the boys were asleep. As you laid down you started to think more on the trip you where about to go on. "Should I tell people or keep it secret?.."

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