The Next Encounter

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You fell asleep quite quickly and woke up to one of your brothers at your door. *knock knock knock*
"Hm?..." You wake up vision a bit cloudy. You reach for your phone and check the time. "4:32 A.M.. welp.. looks like I'm not going back to sleep..." You get up and walk to your door. When you open it both your brothers cling onto you. You get down on your knees and hug them. "Hey... it's ok... I'm right here, can you tell me what happened?.." Dante looked up at you whit tears in his eyes, "I want mommy back.." He held onto you tighter but stopped crying. Daniel patted Dante on the back. "It's ok.. Mommy will be back." You smile when you see this and walk them back to their rooms. Daniel had always acted like the older sibling even though he way technically younger by an hour. You had always loved kids and hoped that you could have your own some day but you never thought on it that much. When you got back to your room it

 was almost 5 A.M. "Why did I choose to cover Tammy's shift.." Tammy's shift started at 6:30 A.M. If you needed to pack anything now would be the time but nothing came to mind, and the babysitter would be there at 6 A.M. You sit down and start to work on a book you've been writing. It's not much but it's something to do. You got one chapter done then went to take a shower. The hot water tank wasn't complete full so half way through your shower the water went cold. When you got out there was a knock at the front door, you quickly got dressed and opened it. It was the babysitter she was a bit early but, you didn't mind. It just gave you more time to get too work. After you gave the babysitter your work address you left for work.




When you got to the cafe it was very quite with not many people. You went on to do your normal routine. ( making drinks, cleaning tables , and waiting for Felix.) It hit 8:43 and you heard the all too familiar sound of hiking boots hitting the tiled floor. You smiled at the sound as you run up to the counter to take his order. "hello, what can I get for you today?" Felix smiled at you, " Just the normal please but, and two pumps of pumpkin spice." You write that down as you pull up the total price. "that will be $9.42." he had you the money and you give him his change. " Alrighty that will be out in just a bit. ^^" Felix smiled at you as he walked away and you felt a small blush creep onto your face and where a bit confused why, yet, you continued to make his drink. As you made his drink you started thinking about where the hike would be and how hard it would get, of course these are all things you can ask him but you wanted to keep yourself guessing.
When you brought him his drink he didn't look up from what he was doing but instead stayed hyper focused on what he was writing. "Felix? Your drink is done." When you tried to get his attention his ears didn't even move, you started to question if he was sleeping sitting up. * "maybe he's just super concentrated on writing?"* You walked back to the counter and got back to work. After you got done with work you changed out of uniform and sat down across from him. You just watch as he writes not wanting to disturb him but you see his ears start twitching. *"They look so soft!!"* Without warning you reach out and pet his ears. His tail stops moving as you pet his ears more, loving how soft they are, not even noticing his flustered face.

"S-stop.." He says it a bit breathy and low as if he's trying to stop himself from making a different sound.

"But your ears you so soft! ^^" You pull your hand away anyway sitting down Normally.

He looked back down at his note book hiding his face, "I know they are but next time ask before you touch, ok?"

You cross your arms at this, "Ok." You say in a bit of a bratty tone."

Felix looks at you with a look you can't pint point the meaning of, "someones bratty.. maybe you need a punishment.~"

Felix starts to laugh waving his hands. "Sorry, sorry, that was Sooo uncalled for. XD"

You just sit there trying to wrap your head around what just happened. "I-I- it's fine I just- um- aa-" You try to form words but fail.

- Time Skip -

- Back home -

You and Felix had talked for a while but he had to leave for something. He hugged you before you left which left you a bit confused on why he did.

As you walked inside the house you noticed things were oddly quiet. You walked into the living room and found the babysitter and your brothers all taking a nap. You smiled and went to your room letting them sleep a bit longer. As you sat I your room you remembered that your parents get home tomorrow morning. You work on your book for a while then hear d the front door open and the babysitter yelling good bye. You went to your bothers room to find them tucked in and fast asleep.  You've always liked that baby sitter, she waits till the week end your her pay and doesn't demand that she has a room to sleep in if she has to spend the night. 

You went back to your room after getting a snack or two and laying down on your bed, only to realizes that your mind was drifting off thinking about Felix. You didn't know why though... You sat there just thinking about why. But then it hit you.. "Do I.. Love him...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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