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"Where did you both get those scratches? And those bruises? And those marks?"

That was the first question asked when you and Katsuki came back. They weren't wrong, the two of you had another fight and that was a bit more hectic. You both had small spot of blood on each other.

You had a lot more bruises than you planned, but funnily enough you won a lot of the round you and Katsuki went. Yet, he had less bruises. The reason behind this was when you were being trained with the Yakasai, you were trained to take people out in an instant without changing their shade of skin colour.

"Y/n, how do you have bruises? You were a hostage, and you weren't touch when you were the hero." Kirishima asked, giving you undivided attention you didn't deserve.

"Well...me and Katsuki went a couple of rounds" You say.

"That...that would make sense" Sero says, surprisingly unharmed.

The next few rounds went and soon the last round was your turn to be the villain. This would be easy as you have literally been a villain. Your team was Kirishima and Denki. The Hostages were Bakugo, Deku and Koda. With the heroes as Todoroki, Toru and Oijiro.

You went into the building with Bakugo and Deku who Bakugo was already yelling at Deku. Koda was just following you.

"So, what's the plan?" Kirishima asked

"Todoroki will most likely freeze the place over again like he did last time" Denki says.

"No, he wouldn't. We have hostages, if he was thinking straight, he wouldn't use it until he saw us. So Toru would be their main plan. They would most likely have her scout out the area or try and take us down." You say.

"Then what should we do? She is invisible" Kirishima says, puzzled.

"I make a wire at each floor. She is clumsy after all and will most likely trip and yell or something. And if she doesn't then I could feel the wire move with my quirk and Denki can send out a shock wave to her" You say. "...but don't kill her"

"No plan on doing so!" Denki puts the thumbs up.

"We should take them up to the top floor, it would give us more time to think things over as they come" Kirishima says, pressing the button for the elevator.

As the 6 of you went to the top floor, it was a bit of an awkward silence. When the top floor arrive, you all got off. You took the three 'hostages' to the corner of the room and sat them down on the couch. You also got your quirk out and made then handcuffs to go around their hands.

"I'll make the wires, if I don't get back in 2 minutes, wait longer" You say, walking out the door.

You stood on the side of the railing and used your quirk to reach over floor of the building. After you set the 5 wires up you made a few more here and there just case they stepped over some.

You walked back inside and waited with the others who were play chopsticks. You sat down on a chair with the back touching your front and just watch the door until something happened. Denki was getting a bit bored and asked you every few seconds if something happened.



"...how about now?"

"No Denki."

It was silent for only a few seconds before Denki started asking you again and again. You replied with a patient answer every time, that was until Bakugo stepped in for you.

"would you shut up?!" Bakugo yelled, making even the noise of silence stop.

You suddenly stood up and straighten your back at the small sense of something on the wire you set up. Kirishima noticed this and went to stay by you.

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