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When you walked past Katsuki the next day, he only shoved his hands into his pocket and looked down, not even giving you a glance. This made you mad now. Yesterday, you were sad, overthinking everything and now you were seriously fed up.

You wanted to confront him about it, but you weren't going to confront him in front of the class, that would be embarrassing for you and him.
So, it was just your luck as the day dragged out, as if the universe was laughing at you as you were placed like this.

When the time finally came for you to talk to him, he wasn't anywhere in sight. You got mad over the course of the day as like hell you were just gonna go back to your room and sob it out. You are Y/n L/n for Christ sake.

You walked up to his room and loudly knocked on the door, not stopping until he would answer it. After hearing the shuffles of noise and the angry curses under his breath, the door opened.

"We need to talk." You walked straight into his room, before he could see it was you.

"Not you again." Katsuki let out an angry sigh before slamming the door.

"Excuse me? What does that mean?!" You placed a hand on your hip, if you could get any madder, you were.

"Leave my room, I don't want to see you." He spoke with such venom.

"What did I do to you?"

"You wanna know?! Huh?! You really wanna know?!" He started to yell in your face, anger was written all over his face. You stood your ground and glared at him as he went to one of his draws. He pulled out a piece of folded paper and began to read it.

"Katsuki Bakugo. Too Abrasive, unchecked aggression, Insecure towards Deku, Vanity, selfish goals, is an unbearable asshole, ablegist bigot and to top it off, you wrote every single word, didn't you." He spoke with such abhorrence in his voice, this hurt him. You hurt him.

"I didn't mean to!" You tried to defend yourself, but you came out yelling.

"You didn't mean to write shit about me?!" He question, angry rising in his tone. "What kind of fuckrey is this?"

"The girls said it was fun-"

"FUN?! You think this is fun?! Y/n you're fucking dumb!"

"I'm sorry okay! I didn't think it would hurt you that much!" You said, you knew you were in the wrong, but you didn't know what to do.

"How the fuck would you feel if someone you fucking loved so much made a list about your biggest problems and put them down as reasons to why you are a bad person! HUh!" He got in your face as you tilted your head to the side to try and get away.

"What a lovely little mess you made." He spat, looking down on you as if you were nothing. "Do you even love me? Did you ever...love me?"

"Of course I did! You are the only person in my life that I have loved. And nobody can take that place! Nobody!" You said instantly.

"Not even that half and half bastard?" His eyes darkened as he glared at you.

"What?" You were confused now.

"I saw you. You and him. The other day, you two were all touchy. Are you sleeping with him as well? Are you sleeping with everyone now? Is that what your for now?" 

"Listen here boy, Todoroki was there for me unlike you. At least he shows that he cares. And if you think for a second that I'm sleeping with the clas-" You began to tell the blond off.

"Why don't you go fucking spread your legs! I'm sure the class would love it!" He took a step towards you now, making you take a step back. "Why don't you go fuc-"

A loud clap-like sound make him go quiet. A red mark in the shape of a hand slowly rose onto his face. You his was forcefully whipped to the side when you slapped him. The aura around him got darker as he turn to look back at you.

"Did. You. Just. Slap. Me." It didn't sound like much of a question.

"Do it ever occur to you that your hurting me too?" You say, your eyebrows furrowing as you spoke. "I might never get another chance to say this, but Katsuki Bakugo, you are the biggest dick I've ever met. You are a selfish barstard, don't you fucking dare call me a whore."

It was his turn to get physical. He pushed you up against the wall by your wrists as he began to yell at you.

"Are you happy now huh? ARE YOU HAPPY?!" He yelled at you. "I'm done trying to help you! I'm done being there for you! I'm done with...with this! We're done!"

"You think I care!?" You lied, tears brimming your eyes as you spoke. "You sure know how to make people feel like shit! You're nothing more than a teenager who can't fit into this world! You're crazy! You're vile! You're cruel! I trusted you! Is this how little you think of me! I hope you get fucked!"

And with that, you left him there in his room, alone, in the darkness.

You headed straight for your own room. Anger was the only thing you could feel, there was a burning passion more fierce than fire flaming in your soul as you stormed away from the blond's room and to your own. As you went, a worried face of Tsu passed you as you ignored her concerned calls to you before slamming the door of your room with enmity.

You placed your back against the wall and tried to control your breathing that was seemingly untameable. Your now balled fists shook with rage, but like the ire that suddenly pumped through your blood and veins, another emotion coursed though your body. A feeling like you were drowning darkness, and everything is getting heavier and heavier, taking you under and there was nothing you could do.

You gulped and your vision became blurry as water formed at the lids of your eye, your lips began to tremble followed by short intakes of breath as it felt as if it became impossible to breath. Your breaths were tumultuous as you fell to your knees.

Acting quickly, you used your quirk and created a thick metal sphere around your body. With a shaky

 breath, you breathed in and let a scream tear from your mouth, it echoed in the sphere, making your ears hurt. You hugged your self as you went down to place your forehead on the ground, you took a sharp breath in before letting out a roaring scream, you balled fists went from your sides to your hair, gripping it in tight balls.

You let your head rock back, screaming once more as it ended with loud sobs. As you tried to calm down, you looked at your hands with tear-filled eyes. Your hands had the smallest of scars scattered across your palms, fingers, knuckles and up as they trailed up your arm and moved across over your entire body, few tears made it to land on your palm, the rest going on the ground.

"What have I...done?" You asked, sobbing as your voice shook. "What's wrong with me?"

You took away the sphere that formed around you to keep the noise to yourself. As if you wanted people to hear you scream, what will you do then?

With help of the wall, you rose to your feet and moved to your bed. You flopped on your bed, you breathing was no longer erratic, but it was more or less tamed now. Your tear stained face now made your pillow tear stained as the cold bitter water flowed down your cheeks and rolled onto the soft cushion that held your head up.

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