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A/N: okay, so I wrote a song to describe this chapter: this one sucks, this one sucks, but I don't care so deal with it. Da da dananana Barney da fuckin dino-saur

Today in hero class, you got to wear your old villain costume. When you put on something other than your sports uniform, all the girl complimented how you looked.

"Damn, you have a figure"

"Hot mama's y/n, I see why Bakugo likes being around you!" Mina yells, checking you out.


"Nothing, ignore it"

When you walked out with the rest of the class, you felt chills running down your spine. When you stopped walking, something small run right into your butt. You jumped and turned around kicking whatever ran into you, without any surprise it was Mineta.

"Real nice Mineta" Tsu says

You turned back around, but you still felt as if someone was watching you. You turned your head and noticed Katsuki staring at your figure with a confused expression on. You made your way over to him.

"Whats with the face?" You ask him.

"What face?" Said every person who made that face.

"The look of confusion on your face, you looking at my ass or something?" You say.

"You wish. I was wondering why you have a nice figure when all you eat is shit" He scoffs.

"Wow, I'm flustered. You sure know how to talk up a lady" You say sarcastically.

"Lady? Please, you're a baby" Bakugo comes back at you.

"I bet you want her to be your baby!" Mina suddenly appears from nowhere.

"What the- Where the fuck did you come from, racoon eyes!" Katsuki whips his head around.

"Oh don't mind me, I won't interrupt your lovers quarrel" Mina flips her hand around.

"I AM HERE!" The familiar sound of the number 1 one rung out in everyone ears.

You looked to the tall hero as he explained the rules of today's lesson.

"Alright, today we'll have one-on-one fights Similar to the sports festival expect there is no competition and you'll only be fighting one person. Your sparring partners are based on how you fight. The rest of the information will be on the screen.

You looked at the screen and searched for your name. You found it at the bottom meaning you'd fight last. And you would be fighting Deku. Your eyes searched for him and you found him looking confused and scared at your hero costume.

It was like Katsuki confusion. He looked scared and worried, his eyes flicked up to yours. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. What was he thinking?

F L A S H B A C K – 2 Y E A R S A GO -Deku's pov

I was going back to my house when it happened. Not too far from me a loud crash sound rang in my years and I instantly knew it was a villain. Excited, I ran over there to check it out, but it wasn't what I thought.

The local heroes around the area seemed to be...losing? There was a girl with amazing skills easily beating them up. It wasn't something a 14 year kid like me to watch but I couldn't take my eyes away.

I saw blood pooling out from the shadows, I dropped my notebook and didn't go to pick it up. My hands started to shake and I got scared. The local heroes weren't that good against this villain.

Just as things started to look bad, Endeavour, the second best hero came to save the day. I quickly picked up my notebook and went to write about how well he did.

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