Chapter 3

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It was getting late by the time they all landed back in the tree house. As soon as they arrived, Numbuh 1 clicked his heels together, triggering the miniature rockets in his shoes and blasted off, travelling to the higher levels of the base. Jacey whistled in admiration, she'd always wanted a pair of those, but had never had the chance. No matter, she'd soon figure it out, with practice.

"That was so cool the way you kicked that guys butt!" Numbuh 3 giggled.

"Looks like that vampire better work on his bite!" Numbuh 2 added, his joke falling flat.

"It was you guys that did all the work!" Nikki mumbled, blushing, "Where's Nigel going?"

"Numbuh 1 always gives an update to HQ after every mission." Numbuh 5 explained.

Jacey pricked up her ears in interest, "Mind if I go up and see him?"

"Sure, As long as you don't trouble him. You can use my key-card to get in." Numbuh 2 offered.

"Thanks," She chucked her bag on the sofa before making her way up the endless flights of stairs until she found the right room. It was filled with computer monitors and surveillance equipment. She could hear her sister talking inside. She tiptoed inside and saw him looking up at a large screen with a stern looking, blond haired girl with what looked like a sieve for a helmet. On his helmet was the number 362. Jacey guess that she might be someone very high up in the KND.

Numbuh 362 glared at her over Nigel's shoulder, "Numbuh 1, teenager attack!"

Numbuh 1 span around, fists raised, he groaned as he set eyes on Jacey, "No, Numbuh 362, She's just my sister and Numbuh 4's babysitter."

"You don't say?"

"Hi....Just love what you've done with the clubhouse" Jacey said, waving at her with a friendly shy smile. Numbuh 362 stared at the girl with thought, 'That girl....she looks familiar, where have I seen her?'  before  pushing her mind aside.

"May I remind you that no teenagers allowed?!"

"I know.... But she means no harm and she'll be leaving later."

"Right.....Anyway, Numbuh 1, remember what I said about planning and taking time to think things through, you're getting careless again."

"Yes Sir!" Numbuh 1 grumbled, giving a salute.

Jacey wondered if calling that girl a 'Sir' was the best option, but ignored it. He turned to her, glaring at her from behind his shades and stormed out of the room, not looking back. Jacey felt a pang of hurt in her chest, had she done something wrong? 

Her thoughts were evaporated by a flashing light coming from her jeans pocket. She narrowed her eyes in confusion, as she produced a round, flat device. Strange, she didn't remember having this thing on her, what was it anyway? Her curiosity got the better of her and she pressed a tiny red button in the center of it.

Out of the button, appeared a beam of light that grew into a hologram. An uncomfortably familiar logo flashed before her, she gulped and slowly closed the door of the computer room. The logo was replaced by a written message:

Plug this device into any computer drive... or else!

She didn't want to find out what the 'or else' part means, she looked around as  slotted the device into the monitor in front of her. It demanded a pass card. Unsure how to use the computer then she remembered the card that Numbuh 2 had given her. She silently thanked him again and scanned the card, sighing with satisfaction at the green access label. She waited with bated breath while the device was downloaded into the computer. Soon, the screen was filled with the image of a teenage girl with curly dark hair and a cruel smirk.

KND Operation: B.A.B.Y.S.I.T.T.E.RWhere stories live. Discover now