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-the next morning-

You wake up next to yelena just like yesterday, perfect. You thought about her just before you went to sleep and as soon as you woke up. She was your reason, your reason it wake up in the mornings, your reason to hold on a little longer.

The day starts off as usual, you and thor make everyone's breakfast and then watch some tv before you go and do a little training with steve to try and regain some strength after the accident. Nat and yelena have gone out to meet with some of the widows they freed to warn them about draykovs men and what happened to you and el.

You and steve head to the compounds gym and steve helps you bandage your hand so you can practice fighting him, he goes gentle on you because you are no where near as strong as you used to be but he promised you he'd help you get back to where you where before London.
Afterwards you and steve decode to go on a cool down walk, you both grab a jumper and head off after telling tony where you where going.
You chest as you walk but you start to notice familiar faces looking at you from around the park where you're walking. "Steve we need to leave, now." You realise where you recognise them from. Yelena showed you pictures of men from the red room so you knew who to look out for, and your seeing all of them now. "Get behind me y/n. Right now." Steve orders, he doesn't have his shield but after all he is a super solider. "Steve what the fuck do i do there so many" you say as the men start to get closer, surrounding you and steve. Before he can reply he leaps into action, fighting off any of the men who dare to get closer. You know you can't help him so you turn and run as fast as you can, calling your dad as you run. He picks up straight away. "Dad they're here. Draykovs men. Steves fighting them off. Dad help please." You cry into the phone, out of breath. "Oh shit okay hunny keep running for me please keep running. We're coming" he says down the phone, you can hear the panic in his voice and he starts to shout for the avengers.

There's a sudden bang, a gunshot, a sharp pain echoing though your body. Everything goes dark. Everything goes quiet. The leaves you walked across yesterday, they are no longer orange and are now turning red as you lay upon them. You feel something grab you and then let go, you hear muffled shouting and screaming. You manage to slowly open your eyes, dazed and confused and unable to move. Steves body leans over you, "hold on y/n hold on i promise it'll all be okay" he says, you can only make out part of what he's saying because you can still hear the sound of the gun shot ringing in your ears.

You always hear in films or books that in a moment like this 'you see you life flash before your eyes' which you never really believed until now, it like your seeing the best and the worst parts of your like flash before you. In that moment you want to let go. To stop fighting. Until you hear her voice. You have to stay, she's your reason.

You feel hands beneath you, Steves lifted you and he's going somewhere with you. You keep phasing in and out of consciousness, memories still flash before your eyes. Everything looks blurred but you know its steve by how he smells, always the same. He smells warm and comforting. You know yelenas there because of her voice and the only other think you can hear is distant shouting and sirens.
"Y/n dont you dare go okay. You have to stat will me. Stay awake." Steve says, you can just make it out and you're trying your hardest to stay awake. To hold on. But its getting harder and harder and eventually you close your eyes and it all goes quiet again. It's such a peaceful feeling, like the world stops spinning and everything just disappear slowly.

A new love (Yelena Belova)Where stories live. Discover now