choice eighteen

634 30 114

[ present time ]

venti laid in his bed- he had just gotten released that day, after a bunch of lectures from his mom. he was pretty much banned from going outside, or basically leaving Jeans sight. as he was thinking there came a weak knock at his door. 

"big brother.." venti sat up, despite the disagreement with his head. 

"klee? what's wrong?" he asked, klee opening the door and peeking in. 

"big brother!" she said happily, her smile returning to her face. she ran in, jumping onto his bed. 

"are you okay? klee knows you went to the hospital!" she said, sitting crisscross next to venti on the boys bed. 

"i was," venti chuckled. "i feel a lot better now though." klee smiled, grabbing his hand. 

"so is big brother all healed?" venti let out a small sigh. 

"i'm still sick klee, you shouldn't be here. i don't want you to get sick either!" he took his finger and set it on her nose, making the little girl smile. 

"okay! I'll ask mommy to bring you something to eat!" venti nodded his head with a smile. 


Venti watched as klee skipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. venti leaned back, grabbing his phone from the side table it was on. he went onto social media, which he had a decent follow count, and he looked through comments for the next 30 minutes, clueless on what to do. eventually, he got a text from xiao. the one person he wanted to see- yet didn't at the same time.

cute emo boy:  "you awake? are you resting or anything?"

'it's odd for him to text first.' venti thought, tapping on the message and responding simply.

me: "no, why are you messaging me?"

he knew why, but still decided to take the 'i'm a badass who doesn't need you' kind of response.

cute emo boy: "just wanted to apologise. i know i probably acted out of line back at the hospital."

me: "out of line? eh you shouldn't call it exactly that~"

cute emo boy: "huh? but you pushed me away."

venti grunted, rolling to his side- continuing his 'text battle' (as he called it) with xiao.

me: "i didnt PUSH you away, i was just suprised"

cute emo boy: "didn't* and surprised* plus, you didn't look very surprised, you looked actually quite angry."

me: "no i was not (thank you) i was just SURPRISED"

"and do you have to correct me on my spelling?" venti huffed, rolling back onto his back. "i'm feeling nice enough to talk to you." 

venti stayed silent once xiao stopped responding, and he got slightly worried he said something wrong, or maybe what he said back at the hospital was too much. 

he'd admit- he did love xiao. he believed too much for his own good. it hurt to have to give up his brother for his own selfish desires. but how could he not? it's xiao.'s xiao. why him?

cute emo boy: "can you meet right now? just the park beside your house. please, it's important. i promise i won't do anything alright?"

venti blinked at the message and sat up. why does he want to meet? can he not say it on text? "this is so confusing!" venti cursed, rubbing his head.  he looked back down at the message and sighed.

me: "sure."

i stood up from my position, making my illness almost feel worse. "why did i already agree? i know mom won't let me. archons, i'm an idiot." he walked over to his door, leaning against it while he yelled. "mom!" not even a second later there came a 'yes' telling venti to speak. "can i go to the park? please? it's really important!" jean stayed silent for a moment before turning the corner and walking up the stairs. "why?" she asked, venti tucking back a the piece of hair from his undone braid. "i was going to meet xiao." jean put her hands to her face and closed her eyes. "if i'm allowed to come w-"

"you're not coming." venti stared at her, jean sighing. "i'm not chancing you getting sick again. venti i can't let you go." venti mumbled something under his breath before answering her. "mom this is important, i won't get more sick than i am now. i'll dress warmly or whatever. alright?" jean looked at her soon and she rubbed her hands together. "you're old enough to take care of yourself. I'm sorry." venti shrugged, walking back into his room-leaving the door open. "what should i wear?" he asked, jean walking in.

they where set on an outfit- pretty simple actually. a long sleeve shirt with his (mom's) option for jeans. he had a sweatshirt on along with a scarf. and just because he didn't want to get xiao sick, he wore a paper mask which his mom had provided. he looked at his hair in the mirror- his hair messy and out of order. he didn't like it this way, but for xiao- he didn't mind. he had already put his shoes on while changing, so he grabbed his phone and left his room with the door still wide open. "bye mom!" he yelled, opening the front door. "be safe ven." she said back, venti nodding. he looked down at his phone, and the latest text was again, from xiao.

cute emo boy: "i'm here. Where are you?"

venti sighed, texting him back.

me: "brt! just left me house :D"

xiao answered almost immediately, thinking how long he must have spent in his room if xiao was already here. 30 minutes?

cute emo boy: "brt? what the fuck is that? i'm freezing by the way. please hurry up.'

me: "brt: BE RIGHT THERE! cmon everyone knows that, and god damn be nice i'm willing to meet you today."

cute emo boy: "sorry."

me: "i didn't mean"
me: "nvm i'll see you soon"

venti frowned, heading towards the park again he hadn't looked at his phone, but he heard it buzz a couple times. he walked up to the park, and the place he assumed xiao was. and not to his surprise, he was sitting on the bench. he had his hands. he noticed venti, and the boy turned his head.



it is uhhhh 12:38 and i'm not ok

xiao is back

is his decision rational??


bc he no smort thonker



i need to sleep.

-author xingxing

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