choice twenty one

585 26 85

picture by chongyunmylove



"Yuuki," Xiao walked a set forward and taking a seat. 

"He was one of my close friends within the Yaksha. Even so, we always clashed since our personalities where so similar. It's a bunch of little things that led up to us getting in more fights." Venti's grip on the letter was so tight, if he moved the papers would have ripped. 

"Ven," Venti nodded, his grip loosening after hearing his name. "This is normal for gangs. Even if the Yaksha's where more" He went into thought, trying to figure out the correct word for exactly what his gang was. 

"Kind..gang, but that didn't mean we didn't get in fights. We, like any other gangs, hung-out in alleyways and places like that. A lot of them had sad backstories to their childhood, including Yuuki."

Venti's gaze continued to lay on Xiao, watching his every move. He watched as hair fell into his eyes, covering his view for a second before he quickly moved them out of the way. 

"But either way, theres no point in speaking about it now. The only reason I asked for Hu Tao was because she knows what happened. Somehow she guilt tripped me into tell her." Xiao shrugged Venti sighing. 

"sounds like her." Xiao agreed, crossing his arms. 

"well," Venti looked at Xiao. "i'm sorry." Xiao closed his eyes, trying to figure out correct words for the situation. 

"uh," he stuttered, opening his eyes. "no issue. it's just, it's probably unfair for me to be keeping secrets like this from you. we're...uh.." Venti smiled, trying his best to fight the urge to find this so called third yaksha. 

"what? we're what xiao~" Xiao looked away, his ears a noticeable pink colour.

Venti giggled, standing up. 

"i actually brought something for you," he walked over to the door, grabbing a nicely folded, familiar sweatshirt. "you left it at my house during Christmas a few weeks ago!" he threw the sweatshirt over to Xiao. He knew where it was from, the sweatshirt was Venti's Christmas present. which reminded him, that he still hadn't given venti his. 

"Thanks. I also have your present here.." he looked to his desk, under it was a small box. Venti looked where he was, also noticing the box. 

"well, then i can open it right?" he said, walking over to his desk and kneeling down to grab it. 

"i guess, I think Ganyu and Hu tao had presents for you too. She mentioned she'd give them at school."

Venti grabbed his own present, standing up and walking to Xiao's side to sit down. 

"school starts Monday right?" Xiao nodded. he stared at the present wondering if he hadn't done enough for Christmas. 

venti smiled, taking the box and undoing the bow on the top. he took the top off, seeing two unwrapped bracelets. They where a gold colour, one of them having a light teal gem in the middle, the other having a darker teal gem. He turned his gaze to Xiao, the other boy lowering his head in what Venti assumed to be embarrassment. Venti smiled, turning back to the box and taking them out. 

"why are there two?" he asked, figuring he knew the answer. Xiao looked up, taking the bracelet with the darker teal. 

"this ones mine." he quickly slipped it on, it fitting perfectly around his wrist. 

"they look expensive," venti said, giggling awkwardly. He slipped his on, admiring the bracelet. 

"Don't worry. Childe bought them for me, he said it was nothing." Venti smiled, turning his wrist in all direction to see the whole bracelet. thought, something caught his eye. at the bottom of the bracelet, there was something engraved.

"I love you Ven."


The phone rang in Venti's hand, as the boy sat on his bed Sunday night, the day before school started up again. he waited for the other side of the phone to pick up, but it never did. so he called the next best choice. 

"Hu tao!" Venti smiled, the girl on the phone gasping. 

"venti? why are you calling me so late? we have school tomorrow!" she teased, obviously not minding.

"oh no reason, i just wanted to see how you are!" Hu tao hummed, answering with an oddly short answer. 

"i'm fine," she said plainly, Venti seeming a bit confused. 

"Anything happen..?" he asked, Hu tao giggling. 

"Nope! I think Ganyu got a girlfriend though." Venti gasped, rolling onto his back. 

"really? who?" Hu tao stayed silent for a moment. 

"our student council president...Uh.." Venti quickly finished for her. 

"Keqing?" Hu tao made an "aha" noise. 

"how'd you know?" she asked, Venti smiling. 

"i'm vice-president remember?" Hu tao smiled and nodded. 

"I do remember that!" Venti stayed silent for a moment, almost forgetting about the questions he wanted to ask. 

"right, I had a question!"

"what's up?" she asked, Venti continuing on. 

"do you know where Xiao is? he hasn't answered any of my calls." Hu tao stayed silent, an uneasy sort of silent. 

"i don't." Venti heard the odd uncertainty in her voice making him worried. 

"oh, alright. Just making sure! thank you tao." Hu tao smiled and responded with No problem. They hung up the phone, and venti stared at the bracelet he was given. 

"hmm.." he thought, recalling the conversation he had with Xiao.

"one of my close friends.."

"us getting in more fights."

"what the heck!" Venti complained, not being able to understand anything about this thing Xiao was in. Where they friends, enemies? what where they? What was Yuuki to Xiao? Why did any of this matter? 

Venti flopped onto his bed, groaning. "why can't he just go away?" Venti pouted childishly, The third yaksha really annoying him. They hadn't met, but he already knew there was nothing good coming from him, and nothing good coming from him interacting with Xiao. But why would Xiao brush it off? 

Is it not as big of a deal as Venti really thought it was? These thoughts kept venti up for a little longer than he intended. But when it came to solving problems, that was something Venti was good at.

"maybe that would be the right solution?" 



okay so like i said- slow updates are going to be seriously frequent ;-;

uhhhh just because my grades are. . . . . . . . dead

so- long story short

bad grades = late update(s)


but i'm so out of it rn >_<

anyways this chapter isn't my favourite :)

BUT WHO CARES :D it's progress

love you all



-author xing <3

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