Chapter 4

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Yelena arrives at the airport and sighs, "God I can't believe I'm doing this." She gets out of her truck and grabs some clothes in a trash bag and heads into the airport. She gets passed security and gets into her boarding area. Their are only a few people here. She goes on her phone and texts Alix, "I just arrived in my boarding area about to get on the plane. Miss you, love you <3" and sends the text but is left on delivered for the 5th time. Yelena wonders, "Why did she have me leave so urgently and why won't she respond to my messages-" as she is thinking the PA says, "All passengers boarding to Budapest may board now, safe travels." She boards the plane.

After she lands a flight attendant says, "Attention all passengers please get all of your belonging's we have arrived, have a nice stay." Everyone gets off the plane. Yelena walks to a car shop, "Hi do you have a motorcycle?" The manager just gives her the keys and tells her where it is. She gets on her bike and drives off to her apartment building. "Hi, can I have whatever is available?" The bellboy gives her a key. She walks up to her room confused on why it is such a mess. 

2 weeks later, "I think I like it here-" She hears something and grabs a gun. She hears someone try and open her door, "I know your out there." Natasha busts through the door, "Then why don't you come talk to me like an adult?" Yelena snaps back, "Is that what we are? I know me and Alix are. But are you?" Natasha finds Yelena and says, "Put it down." Yelena says, "You put YOURS down." Natasha and Yelena fight. Natasha says, "What are these?*drops the vials*" "You brought them here! What is wrong with you?!" Natasha is confused, "I almost got killed cause of these things, now what are they." Yelena walks up to her and says, "Something only I need to know about." 2 widows come through the ceiling, "Shit." Yelena whispers. She grabs the vials and runs. Natasha runs after her. 

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