Chapter 16 - Oooooooo...

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Gary Reynolds and Benjamin Cobalt

APRIL 18, 2007

Gary: Benjamin, will you join me to stop Nelson and Deb? I can't do it alone. I act like I'm more powerful than them but to be honest they definitely are.

Benjamin: Yeah, I know there an undefeatable couple. All we need to do is split them apart then SYNTEC is ours.

Gary: Exactly, but how are we going to do that?

Benjamin: We need to trap one of them or find something about one that the other doesn't know.

Gary: How would we do that? Neither of them trust us and neither of them will ever tell us anything.

Benjamin: But they will tell Kendall or Swindell or EverGreen.

Gary: You're smart.

Benjamin: I know, now we just need to get one of them to talk to them. I'm thinking Kendall will do it if we threaten her.

Gary: Okay.

Benjamin Cobalt and Jordan Kendall

APRIL 19, 2007

Benjamin: What do you know about Deb and Nelson?

Jordan: Uhh I don't know anything.

Benjamin: Common I know you do, your Deb's best friend.

Jordan: Was.

Benjamin: What do you mean Was?

Jordan: She went off and started hanging out with Nelson. And stopped talking to me.

Benjamin: Weird she's probably upset about Wes dieing.

Jordan: She killed Wes and then she brought him back.

Benjamin: WHAT? Wes is alive?

Jordan: Yup.

Benjamin: Do you know where he is?

Jordan: With Deb and Nelson.

Benjamin: Of course thank you for this information.

Jordan: Also I know that Nelson likes Deb and was actually happy when Wes died because then he could be with Deb.

Benjamin: Really, wait till Deb hears that.

Benjamin Cobalt and Nelson Syphus

APRIL 21, 2007

Benjamin: Jordan told me everything.

Nelson: Everything about what?

Benjamin: You and Deb, Wes.

Nelson: She did? So you know Wes is alive and that I like Deb?

Benjamin: She told me about Wes being alive but not about you and Deb.

Nelson: I never said anything.

*Nelson runs away*

Benjamin Cobalt and Debruh Smith

APRIL 21, 2007

Benjamin: I know Wes is alive and I know something about Nelson that you don't.

Deb: Leave Wes alone. And I highly doubt it, he tells me everything.

Benjamin: I'll leave Wes alone if you join me.

Deb: Never. Now tell me what Nelson told you.

Benjamin: Nelson has a crush on you, always had and was happy when Wes died because he could then be with you.

Deb: Really?!?! Let me talk to him.

Benjamin: Wait join me or tell me where Wes is.

Deb: I said never.

Debruh Smith and Nelson Syphus and Wesley Nathaniel

APRIL 22, 2007

Deb: Were you ever gonna tell me?

Nelson: Tell you what?

Wes: That you like her common Nelson it's obvious.

Nelson: How did you find out, Deb?

Deb: Sadly Benjamin.

Nelson: Oh well it's true.

Deb: Really? How long?

Nelson: I don't know, maybe a few years.

Wes: A few years? And you never told me.

Nelson: Sorry.

Deb: Really on me. Out of everyone, me?

Nelson: See I knew you would say that.

*Deb and Nelson Kiss!*

Wes: Oooooooo

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