chapter 2 the first day of school.

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  • Dedicated to Maree Miles

when i woke up my little brother came in my room and put a pair of clean clothes for me to wear... and a back pack...

then i realized its time for school.........

Blaed's p.o.v.;

when i got up i was to tired to moe from last nigh matt and his brother and his pack were running in my terittory very late last night... with a girl they claim as there kiddnapped sister.... but they didn't let me see her face.... i didn't care at the moment cuz i was just mad not to got see my mothers grave to put new flowers near her grave....

after i gotten dressed i grabbed my back pack and my keys to my dirt bike and drove to our school..... when i got there i smelt the most amazing smell straw berries, rain, and pine and cinnomin.... it was intoxicatting... and very very good. the bell rang and i went to class i saw matt and adam with their sister never leaving her side.... never letting me go near her... then i was with her in p.e. adam was there but he was busy playing the game not me.... so i watched her with confused look on my face with reaction i got from her was to scootch away a little....

this made me sad hen suddenly i smelt her sent it was her ..... matt's sister she is my mate.....

then realized it was a half day and we all got dressed and went home .. not me....

Adam and Matt's sister never talked ... she wanted to be alone. here brothers didn't argue..

so they let her walk to the lake near their house....

I folowed her... towards the tree's when she stopped I got nervouse.... she was glaring at her pack splashing around in the lake... she growled...then I saw a lil girl run up to her in tears... the girl is deaf But my mate no she signed.... '' who Made u cry lil one.... then I realized she small girl looks like her ... she is her lil sister... the girl signedthe boys from the nearest pack

pushed me in the mud.. and called me freaky deaf drorf...'" show me...she said aloud this time... I smelled my boys on her lil sister... then I quickly... ran to my pack area... then I heard her comen towærds the boys... logan AJ liltimmy and cody... shè was angry... then she said u got 2 minutes to get your Alpha r before I do something I will regret later...'' Aj yelled and said Alpha we need you...

I jogged to them. then I said wats up boys u found the princess... its anhonnor to meet you...

then the snorted and said ha. ! I would rather kick your ass then these boys shurelly

you don't teach your boys I'm pissed of is that they laid their hands on my baby sister in the mud and mad her cry... then the next thing I knew her jacket and shirt... then I realy saw saw her... pale tanish skin...

and scars that looked likes it should have killed her... they Made my heart crush... then I she stanced in fighting stance then I saw her abbs and vaines in her arms... for a girl I have. seen

that's a were wolf she is ripped. buff muscular... the sight of her scary But radiant bodymade me go on my knees thèn my wolfs words slippedout '' my mate what who did this to yoou...?"

groweld she turnd to the boys and said '' your only warning if u ever touch my sister in any way that will cuase her pain or even say a rude comment like freaky deaf drorf i m not gonna kill u But you would wish you were...treat her with respect and there will be no problem... understood?!!!!"

the boy's yelled "yes princess!"then she picked up her stuff then she looked at me confused... then she said alpah folow me i need to talk yu......'' i quickly got up andand folowed her to her cabin. uh oh I am so busted...!!!!!:-(

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