Dream and Tommy finish making secret base.
Dream: We finish!
Dream smile.
Tommy: Yeah. We made secret base!
Tommy smile at dream.
Dream: Someday people will live here!
Tommy: Yeah.
Tommy and Dream sit on the ground.
Tommy: What should you think this island name?
Dream: Hmm... This island was your island right?
Tommy: Um...Yeah.
Dream: What name was it?
Tommy: Logstedshire.
Dream look at Tommy happily.
Dream: I love that name!
Tommy also look at dream happily.
Tommy: I know right?
Dream: Name is Logstedshire!
Tommy: Yeah!
Dream and Tommy high-five.
After they go home.
Tubbo: What the- Why are you guys so dirty?!
Phil: Wh-How did you get those....what?!
Tubbo and Phil open their eyes widely and look at dream and tommy.
Dream and Tommy: .....We don't know.
Phil: ...Take bath now.
Dream: Let's go!
Tommy: Yeah!
They run to bathroom.
Tubbo: They are like brothers.
Phil: Yeah.
Tubbo: And I 'm their parents.
Phil: Lol. Me, Ranboo and you are parents.
Tubbo: Yep.
*....I washed my mouth out with soap yesterday. its taste like weird (Of course) and after i washed....it taste like after eat camembert cheese lol. And I sing guess i better wash my mouth out with soap (soap by Melanie Martinez)
Yeah it was fun lol. I will do again lol.
*I love tommy and dream like brothers..It's so cute.
If they turn in kids...
Hayran KurguIt will be chaos of course. Because...they are chaos trio lol So....funny. Just funny things and serious things.