CH4: Logstedshire

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Dream and Tommy finish making secret base.

Dream: We finish!

Dream smile.

Tommy: Yeah. We made secret base!

Tommy smile at dream.

Dream: Someday people will live here!

Tommy: Yeah.

Tommy and Dream sit on the ground.

Tommy: What should you think this island name?

Dream: Hmm... This island was your island right?

Tommy: Um...Yeah.

Dream: What name was it?

Tommy: Logstedshire.

Dream look at Tommy happily.

Dream: I love that name!

Tommy also look at dream happily.

Tommy: I know right?

Dream: Name is Logstedshire!

Tommy: Yeah!

Dream and Tommy high-five.

After they go home.

Tubbo: What the- Why are you guys so dirty?!

Phil: Wh-How did you get those....what?!

Tubbo and Phil open their eyes widely and look at dream and tommy.

Dream and Tommy: .....We don't know. 

Phil: ...Take bath now.

Dream: Let's go!

Tommy: Yeah!

They run to bathroom.

Tubbo: They are like brothers.

Phil: Yeah.

Tubbo: And I 'm their parents.

Phil: Lol. Me, Ranboo and you are parents.

Tubbo: Yep.

*....I washed my mouth out with soap yesterday. its taste like weird (Of course)  and after i taste like after eat camembert cheese lol. And I sing guess i better wash my mouth out with soap (soap by Melanie Martinez)

Yeah it was fun lol. I will do again lol.  

*I love tommy and dream like brothers..It's so cute.

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