Chapter 6

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Serephina was relived when she could finally change out of that hefty pale, pink dress and into light, paltry nightgown. She kept staring at the wooden door that separated her room from Nicolas. Serephina had feared for a moment, when Amora had stopped in front of a silver iron double-door and gestured for them to enter, that they would have to spend the night together. She had stiffened, pulling her hand from Nicolas. But then Amora swung the door open revealing a small air-conditioner parlor. It contained a few paintings, a long, wooden-oak desk with flowers and a stray of food on top. A dark, green chaise lounge on the right side of the room opposite to where her door was located, and a pearl white tufted sofa next to the bookcase filled with hard-cover books. Serephina noticed how they were stacked in alphabetic order.

Once Amora indicated which door led to her room, Serephina bolted not uttering a good night nor a thank you as she banged the door close. Serephina had pressed herself against the door waiting for Nicolas to enter his room, but he hadn't. He thanked Amora for her assistant and lingered around the parlor. She knew cause she could hear him walking. Now Serephina found herself pressing an ear against the door, already having taken a shower and changed, to see if he had entered his room. He hadn't.

Gods, what is he waiting for?

Taking a deep breath, she opened the door. Nicolas sat on the pearl-white sofa, a book in his hands and a drink resting on the small glass table in front of him.

"Aren't you gonna get any sleep?"

"How can I, when I can feel your uneasiness through my veins." He set the book down. "Literally." His eyes were hard to read.

Serephina shifted from toe to toe. "Sorry." She walked past the desk, running a finger across the polished wood. "I didn't realize I was that uneasy."

Nicolas scoffed. "Well you are." He stood meeting her in the middle of the room where she stumbled back( she had lowered her eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze). He caught her by the waist.

I should have kept my eyes on him, she thought as he pulled her back against him, feeling exposed with the breezy nightgown.

Her heart began pounding in her chest, her cheeks burning from being under his gaze. She suddenly hated that he was taller than her. How tall was this dude, she wondered, 7'3 or something? Why were handsome, assholes tall? Was it some sort of law the gods went by?

"You know I can fix that, right?" He offered as he tucked her hair behind her ear. His touch made her sigh(symptom of the blood-bond) and all knots in her nerves ceased. She hadn't noticed she was so tense. But it appeared he had.

Her heart pounded with each passing second that he stood there holding her. And as much as Serephina wanted to push him away, she couldn't bring herself to move.

"I-I don't think that's a good idea," she pointed out, annoyed that she wasn't uncomfortable under his gaze. Blood-bond, she reminded herself.

"You don't even know what I was going to offer."

She gave him a blank look. "Whatever it is." She slipped out of his arm. "I don't want it."

Nicolas looked bored. "Are you...going to deny me?"

Serephina reached her door's knob; it was freezing cold. She shuddered. "I'm not going to deny...anything. Nor am I going to suddenly be holding hands with you. If we're gonna make this work then we're going to have to get to know each other—and most important see if we actually like each other. And we have to be friends for that and Nicolas let me tell you something"--she met his gaze, eyes blazing with anger-- "we aren't."

Nicolas didn't utter a word as she closed the door.


A/N: Hey guys, sorry I missed a post. I've decided that because the chapters might be a little short I'll be uploading two chapters for day--or at least I'll be trying to. Either way, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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